Are you tired of all the lies that people tell in internet marketing? They say they have the “Right” program to meet all your needs? AND ALL THIS IS COMPLETELY FREE? They are lying to you. And thousands of people like you.

I’ll tell you the truth about internet marketing. While there is a lot of FREE information out there on starting your own internet marketing business from home, everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, leaves out the MOST important factor… Getting your site, page, blog, or ad, or whatever whatever you’re going to do… seen by millions of people searching! They don’t tell you that to have all that valuable information you just downloaded or bought it will cost you a penny to PROMOTE!

You are promised FREE WEBSITES, FREE WEB HOSTING, or FREE INFORMATION. There is a lot of free information available, much of it downloadable. But you can’t get to the juicy stuff because you have to upgrade, it’s only for premium members. You get a slice of the pie, but you can’t get all of it! Now what about that? What’s a puzzle piece going to do for me if I can’t see the whole picture?

There are literally thousands of programs out there where people literally earn hundreds of thousands of dollars EVERY DAY! And they are willing to give you their STEP BY STEP instructions on how you can do this too. Well good for them! Eventually they will buy their product because they skip the part where they end up paying hundreds and sometimes thousands of $$ to promote it! They make you believe that just because they GIVE you the product, you will make the money THEY make. And that is not true. They want you to BELIEVE it is, but it isn’t.

Some of the programs I’ve seen give you the copy and paste option to copy their methods exactly as they did. And they’re making a lot of money, but they didn’t tell you it was going to cost you a lot of money to promote the product. You have to spend money to make money is the truest statement I’ve ever heard.

Promoting your new website or product can be expensive. By using PPC campaigns, you put a real cost on each click. It can range from $.01 to $10.00, if you ever want your ad or product to show. Being on page 10+ on any Google search… you won’t be seen. Nobody knows you’re there! So what is the point? You’re beating a dead horse… so to speak. You may get some qualifying clicks, but your conversion rate will still be $0! How do you propose to make money like that? You will pay through the nose before you finally figure it out and BUY ADVERTISING. That’s the harsh reality of it all. You must purchase advertising for any of your stuff to show up on any qualified search engine.

Signing up for affiliate programs is a good thing, but promoting those affiliate links is hard. Promoting affiliate links is difficult. How do you get people to click on your link if no one can see it? Pre-built websites with the links already embedded are a great thing, but promoting that website so that people can actually click on your link is hard.

The only real answer to all of this is to promote your site or product is BUY ADVERTISING. Go to Google, Yahoo or MSN and buy a package! I am not going to tell you that this will be cheap, because it is not. But if you want to make real money online, then making this purchase can help you get off the ground. Once you build up some sort of following, you can backtrack on paid advertising and rely on past customers to help you attract new ones. It will increase your credibility with the search engines. Other than that, once you build a basic customer base, you have something to expand from. They will help bring in referrals that can greatly help your business.

I’ve spent a lot of money buying this program and buying that program, and I’ve gotten nowhere. I finally figured out why… I wasn’t paying for my advertising. I just trusted the fact that my site was available and assumed that people would come to it and that I would make money. I was IGNORANT! Sometimes, I think I STILL am, but I don’t like to admit it. Learn from my mistakes, and don’t spend a lot of money on top of the line websites and the best software out there… it won’t help you one bit without paid advertising. Take my word for it. I have no reason to lie to you.

If you’re willing to pay for quality advertising, then by all means buy the program where you think you can get the best return on investment. Go for it! Just remember to weigh the cost versus the benefit. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Read as much as you can… take notes… and read it again! bookmark, copy, and paste into a Word document so you can refer to it later if you forget it.

Now to all the BIG internet marketers out there making a lot of money, I’m happy for you. And I know why you do things the way you do, and I hope one day I’m as great as you. But for now, I think this information will help prepare newbies, like myself and many others, to see the truth about this business. It is hard, and it is work and that is not a lie. You can’t sit back and say you haven’t had to make huge investments to get to where you are today. If he does, then he’s fooling himself, not to mention lying to the rest of us.

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