If you’re just waiting and eagerly waiting for creative writing ideas to come your way, here’s a suggestion. Stop waiting and get to work with some very simple techniques that will help you generate as many ideas as you want. Do you know that your mind is like a sponge that absorbs information all the time, but also needs an opportunity to give back creatively?

The trick of combining concepts

To make new products to sell, people use a technique known as Concept Combining. You can use this very concept and create a multitude of new stories out of it.

All you have to do is use your imagination and combine old stories and turn them into new ones.

Do you remember that old outfit of yours that you asked the tailor or dressmaker to tweak a bit to make it more in line with a contemporary clothing style? Well, the same concept applies here too.

What’s on your priority list?

What is the most important thing to you when writing? If you’re not sure, why not start by making a list of all the things you think are important and meaningful to you?

After that, go through the list thoroughly and pick an item or concept from that list.

Your story is on that list.

Suppose that from that list, you feel that “Honesty” is the most important item to you. So be it then, and waste no time in holding on to it and writing.

Now you need to take that word Honesty and create a story based on characters defined by the concept of honesty, how honest they are, how dishonest, etc. Put a spin on the story and write about how they were scammed because of their honesty.

Start making a to-do list

Now get serious about writing your story by making a list of things that could be useful to you. Consider the following;

  • Make a list of uplifting and uplifting stories that you personally like.
  • Watch news channels, read magazines or books, and make a list of things you think you could use in your story.
  • Get down to business, start writing.

There are more than enough examples of great writers forcing themselves to write at least 500 words every day. This is independent of whether they wanted to or not, but it all has to do with maintaining a consistently positive writing routine.

So if you really want to write, do it ASAP. You never know when true inspiration may strike you.

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