Nail clippers, dog brushes, and pet nail clippers are part of any savvy dog ​​owner’s animal tool kit. Some pets are easier to care for than others. If you have a long-haired, indoor/outdoor dog, you’ll need to take a little extra care of your pet’s coat. Good basic pet care techniques should always be a part of your life and that of your pets. Having a sturdy coat brush, a good pair of pet grooming scissors, and a sharp pair of nail clippers is a great way to keep your vet bills down.

Pet Clippers and Dog Brushes for Coats

Especially for long-haired dogs, you can save a bit of money by keeping your dog brushed and trimmed so it doesn’t have matted hair. You will need to use a brush or comb that is specifically tailored to your dog’s coat (ie long and thick, short and curly, etc.) and brush gently to detangle. You can use the comb to work through the bottom of the coat.

Take some time to work with your dog and learn the best way to get him used to the tools you use, like pet grooming scissors. Pet grooming scissors will not cut your animal’s skin, but they will cut the hair. You need to get your dog used to the noise of pet grooming scissors. This can be difficult. Many people tend to go for a professional groomer who has the necessary scissors and bathing supplies for pet grooming.

trim your dog’s nails

As important as dog brushes and pet grooming shears are to your dogs health, it is also important to keep their nails trimmed. They should only touch the ground when you walk. If they click on the floor or snag on the carpet, it’s time to cut those nails. Don’t let your clippers get too close to the dog’s nail quickly. This is a delicate vein located under the dog’s nail. Use a file to smooth the edges of the newly cut nail until it is non-abrasive. The use of nail clippers does not harm the dog, but most dogs, unless trained as puppies, are not used to having their nails touched. If this is the case, you have to plan ahead.

The tips for preparing your dog for nail clippers and pet nail clippers are similar. Use distractions like giving him a new bone or a chew toy with a treat inside. The dog is so focused on his task that he is not paying attention while you are cutting him with a nail clipper or pet nail clipper. Another idea is to seek help and have someone scratch your dog’s favorite places to keep him busy. Or take the dog for exercise where in the end, he’s too tired to care!

As a new pet owner or veteran, caring for your dog is important. You can always do more research online or at the library, and ask your vet or local pet store questions. Be sure to pay attention to any big changes in your dog’s energy, coat, and appearance. If there are, it could indicate underlying health problems. It is up to you to groom your pet, since your dog places his trust 100% in you.

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