The human body is simply the vessel for the emotional and spiritual beings that we are. And you can’t possibly heal your physical body only from the symptoms of pain, illness or disease, without also healing your mind and spirit. Balance; it’s always about balance. Our well-being or discomfort is a direct result of the energy flow of each of these parts equally. That’s why treating your symptoms of discomfort or pain doesn’t work. You need to heal the part of you that created the symptom of discomfort in the first place.

Our physical bodies were designed to correct themselves with numerous healing systems of checks and balances. The autonomic nervous system is just one of the systems in our body that shows us this. This is the system in our body that is responsible for the control of non-consciously directed bodily functions, such as breathing, heartbeat, and digestive processes. This system includes the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

The parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the rest and digest system, is what conserves energy, slowing the heart rate and increasing intestinal and gland activity when necessary. The main function of the sympathetic nervous system is to stimulate the body’s fight or flight response. Fight or flight is a physiological response to an attack perceived as harmful or a threat to survival. The design of this entire autonomic system helps prepare the body to deal with stress and threats, as well as returning the body to a resting state afterward.

Keep in mind that the times of past generations were much simpler. Most families back then consisted of two parents, one of whom usually looked after the children. Today’s times are very different and the challenges of two working parents or in many cases single parent families are many. Often, most of us run scattered most of the time trying to accomplish all the necessary things in one day with no time to rest.

Due to this constant stress of life during these times, we generally live most of our days within the sympathetic nervous system. Understand that our bodies are not meant to be in a constant state of a fight or flight response system. When our bodies don’t regularly return to a rest period afterwards, it wreaks havoc on our organs and systems with all the hormones that are constantly being released. Thus creating aches and pains, illnesses or even ailments. This is our body’s way of telling us to stop, listen and slow down, something most of us rarely do.

This is just one of the physical checks and balances systems our bodies were designed with. Now let’s think about our emotions. When you live in a constant state of fight or flight, your emotions tend to scatter and become less positive. Negative emotions from ongoing stress, depression, anxiety, constant excitement, and even possible emotional pain from our past are traumatic emotional energy.

Negative emotional energy is also channeled into the physical body, showing up too much, as aches and pains in our daily lives. This is our body’s way of trying to dissipate this energy, and in most cases, if you stop and listen to your body, these symptoms ease and your body heals naturally. It is when you continue to ignore your body that it creates more lasting effects such as disease and illness.

So stop treating your pain symptoms and listen to your body. Take time to rest. We all need a reset button for ourselves every day to stay healthy. I’m not saying you can’t be Superman/woman and do it all in one day, because you probably can and most likely will. Most of us have become accustomed to this daily way of life, but at what cost? Is your health worth it? This is such a hard lesson for most, but think of your loved ones around you. Don’t you want to be there for them in a healthy and balanced state for years to come? Because I’m pretty sure they want that for both of them.

When you feel off balance, don’t feel right, or have aches and pains, remember that your body is trying to tell you something. And often, physical problems manifest from a less than positive emotional place. So treat your whole being with balance and rest to help you determine the root cause, which you can then fully treat and heal. Throwing drugs at a symptom will simply mask it, while the core problem lives on. The core issues grow and fester, and at a certain point, they make you stop and listen.

I am living proof of that, having had thyroid cancer at age 37. My symptoms started at 27 but I didn’t stop to listen to my body. I am sending you these healing tips from a place of love in the hope that you will not have to go through a life-changing illness like I did. Again, it’s very important to understand that you can’t fully heal yourself without healing every single part.

Take time to do things that relax you every day. Even if 15 minutes a day is all you can spare, isn’t it worth it? The correct answer here is yes. Do something just for you, that you love, that makes you happy and complete. Balance and center yourself with a moment of quiet and calm for yourself. You will be surprised what a little of your time can do for you. Little by little, you’ll start to notice those aches and pains slowly fade away, or maybe you’ll start to sleep better at night. Oh the magic!

If you would like help relieving life’s aches and pains that may be due to deeper emotional energy that needs to be released, request a 15 minute consultation. See if Reiki Healing Energy is right for you. Or if someone you know could benefit from this article, please share it so everyone has a chance to heal their life.

love and light,


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