Answer… On the open or standing plains and in the mountains, the sitting position is the most useful of all when hunting for big game. It’s not as stable as prone, so your shot will be a bit less accurate. It’s also not as fast as the left hand stance when you have an easy target to hit, but it’s much faster for accurate shooting in distant game when hunting.

When out hunting, your terrain often dictates the position you’ll shoot from, and the sitting position is broadly universal in many conditions. It is practical because it lowers the center of balance and provides a wider, more stable platform from which to shoot the rifle. Obviously, it is assumed that you have dressed appropriately for your hunting trip. A pair of jeans will not look good sitting on wet, snowy or icy ground!

The sitting position doesn’t put your line of sight as high off the ground as it does when you’re kneeling, but it’s much more stable. Furthermore, the seated position can be used in a greater variety of ground conditions than any other reasonably stable position. this is one of best hunting tips I have found proven results. Of all the big game I’ve shot in the past, I think I’ve killed about 70 percent from the sitting position, about 20 percent were from the right hand, and 5 percent each from kneeling and prone.

“The sitting position is easy to assume, more stable than kneeling or carefree, and well suited in situations where the terrain makes it difficult to shoot from prone.”

Don’t make the beginner’s mistake of sitting up too straight and placing your wobbly elbows on your equally wobbly kneecaps. Proper technique for shooting from a seated position is to lean forward and place the flat of your left arm (for right-handed shooters), just above the elbow, against the flat of your shin just below the left knee. Your feet should be wide apart with your feet and ankles relaxed. The position should feel comfortable and stress-free.

The natural tension of the back muscles will push the upper arms against the shin, bringing balance and relative stability to this position. The seated position, with or without a sling, is the one to master if you aspire to be a good shot. He is undoubtedly the ace of all hunting posts.

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