Most people don’t see the difference between controlling and losing weight. Thus, they find themselves in situations where they are either underweight, meaning their body weight is less than it should be for a person of that particular height, or overweight, meaning their body weight is much higher than the limit. prescribed. So what these people do is they resort to some urgent steps like altering their diet to gain weight or taking weight loss products in a desperate attempt to lose weight. All these sudden changes leave their mark on your body and are therefore not recommended by either dieticians or doctors.

Weight control is very different from weight reduction. Losing weight means when a person is overweight and takes steps to reduce their body weight. But weight control allows a person to maintain a healthy body weight at a constant level on a regular basis through a healthy diet and some physical exercises that prevent their body from these sudden weight-related fluctuations. Remember, weight management means that a person is in control of their body weight and when they are in control of something, they should see much more effective results than when they are not.

For example, a healthy American woman of medium build and 5’4″ height has a body weight of 125 pounds. Even if her physical activities are moderate, she needs 1,500 calories per day to maintain her body weight. Now, if you continue some type of slimming diet and you reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day, you would lose about 1 pound per week.

Now if this woman starts exercising three days a week, she will burn 200 more calories per day. If she wants to control her body weight to the level it was before she started exercising, she needs to eat 200 more calories per day.

From the example above, you can clearly see that it is not difficult at all to control your body weight, that is, to gain a healthy body weight or lose excess weight regularly. You can achieve this through some simple calculations. Choose the body weight you want to achieve, and by doing some math, you can definitely gain or lose weight at the rate of 1lb to 2lbs per week on a regular basis.

There are numerous websites on the Internet that allow you to calculate your daily calorie intake. Just fill in the details and it will automatically calculate the number of calories you are eating daily. Remember, that 1 pound of body weight is equal to 3500 calories. Now calculate how many calories you need to burn to reach your desired body weight. Choose your diet plan from the many popular diet plans on the market, or you can consult a dietitian for a diet plan that is right for you. Just remember, the more fat in your diet, the more calories you’ll consume, and the less fat, the less calorie intake.

So, it is quite possible to control your weight much more effectively and by now I am sure you must have understood the difference between weight loss and weight control quite clearly. Just follow the instructions above carefully and you will surely see great results! If you want to know more interesting information about weight reduction, you should increase your knowledge by reading high-quality e-books written by expert authors on the subject at hand.

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