Using a pendulum is a form of ‘kinesiology’. As with muscle testing, your own ‘body spirit’ or ‘body angel’, which is in charge of moving subtle energy around your body, responds to your thoughts and words by using that energy to swing the pendulum and answer your questions.

Historically, dowsing (using a pendulum to elicit answers) has been known for its ability to locate water, gold, oil, and other minerals, but it has also been used in many life-and-death cases. Many people have used the pendulum to detect allergies and other ailments, and even to accurately determine the sex and date of birth of unborn babies (baby gender prediction).

Throughout history, people have turned to the pendulum for guidance when their lives were at stake. In extreme circumstances during the Vietnam War, some US Marines were taught to use a pendulum to locate underground mines and tunnels.

Some people say that the pendulum creates a bridge between the logical and intuitive parts of the mind. Some say that the pendulum connects them to a higher power and call it “fortunetelling” as the information is believed to come from a divine source. Research by many scientists indicates that the pendulum responds to electromagnetic energy that radiates from everything on Earth. Nobody knows for sure how the pendulum works, but the important thing is that it works! As Thomas Edison is said to have responded when asked about electricity: “I don’t know what it is, but it’s there, let’s use it.”

Another way to look at it is to realize that a television antenna can pick up invisible rays and translate them into images, so perhaps the brain’s inherent electrical current can also act as a receiver for which the pendulum serves as a transmitter.

But regardless, even if you don’t understand how the pendulum works, just like most people don’t know the inner workings of a TV or phone, you can still benefit from using it. You don’t have to be psychic to use a pendulum; there is nothing magical or mystical about it despite the fact that friends and family are always in awe of its uncanny accuracy.

The cheapest pendulum can be made for less than a penny by tying a small object, such as a small walnut, to the end of a string. Expensive pendulums can be made from the finest crystals. Crystals are believed to possess certain energies that are compatible with the energies of the wearer for best results.

What makes it work? The small muscles of the fingertips are connected to the motor centers of the brain and it is these motor centers that are affected by unconscious thoughts. Your unconscious thoughts cause the tiny muscles in your fingers to react and thus swing the pendulum. This is called the idiomatic response. The pendulum then becomes a direct link to your unconscious. And the unconscious is where the thoughts and memories that your conscious doesn’t know about are stored. The pendulum is a means to connect with those hidden truths and memories. try…

Here’s how to use a pendulum:

1. Choose a pendulum – Let a pendulum choose you. If you like the way it looks or feels, this is for you.

2. Clean your pendulum: You can clean it by holding it under cold tap water, immersing it in sea salt, or by setting the mental intention to release “pent-up energies” from it.

3. Understand the directional swings of your pendulum: Pendulums swing in straight vertical lines, straight horizontal lines, and in circular motions.

4. Define the directional swings of your pendulum: Assign each directional swing a “response” by first asking the pendulum to show you what certain responses look like. Rest your elbow on the table, with the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger. Ask: What does a NO look like? How is a YES? o Say “My name is (your name)”. This should give you a YES answer. Asking him the wrong name should give you a NO answer.

Pendulum response examples:

– vertical oscillation means NO – horizontal oscillation means YES – circular movement means NEUTRAL

5. Prepare your questions: A question should be one that can be answered with a positive, negative, or neutral answer. Good example Question: Is this cereal good for my body?

Poor example Question: Will I have a boy or a girl?

6. Ask your questions – Be prepared to ask several questions in order to receive enough information to help you in your search for answers. You may need to ask multiple questions on the same topic to get accurate information. For example:

– Is this cereal beneficial for my body? Answer: No -Is the oatmeal in the cereal beneficial for my body? Answer: Yes (oatmeal is fine) -Is the barley in the cereal good for my body? Answer: Yes (barley is fine)

Is the cornmeal in the cereal beneficial for my body? Answer: No (here’s your answer. Your body can’t tolerate corn products right now). Remember that your body can tolerate some foods one day and not the next. Therefore, it is important to use your pendulum daily if you are on a special feeding program.

7. Between Questions – Make sure to completely stop any pendulum swings between questions to clear any lingering energy pertaining to the previous question.

8. Have fun. Keep an open mind!

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