Are you planning to visit or do business with an Arab company? Here are some tips on Arab business and culture for visitors, exporters and international traders to understand the culture, business culture and how to do business with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen and other Middle East. countries.

conservative behavior: In public, Arabs behave conservatively. The demonstration of affection between the spouses is non-existent. It is a private society and the display of one’s feelings is kept private. He’ll also notice that laughter and joking in public is toned down, which is not the case in private gatherings. Arguments between spouses, friends, and people in general are also kept private or conducted in a way that ensures no one else notices.

invitations: If you are invited to dinner or lunch, you are not expected to bring food, drinks or gifts. As you enter the house, notice the guest room you are led to. If other guests left shoes and sandals at the door, please remove your shoes. Upon entering a guest’s room or office, it is customary to greet everyone by saying Alsalamo-Alikom, which means “peace be upon you.” The response to this greeting is “Wa’alikom Alsalam”. Once inside, everyone will stand up to greet you and shake your hand. Start with the person standing to your right or the person who is coming up to you. Note that in both the modern and traditional Arabian rooms, attendees sit in a circle to ensure that no one has their backs to another person. Also keep in mind that the soles of your feet should not point directly at another person. Always use your right hand when giving or receiving objects.

Concept of saving face: Arab culture is a non-confrontational culture that seeks as little conflict as possible. A concept called “saving face” is a way to resolve conflicts and avoid embarrassing or inconveniencing the parties involved. Saving someone’s face or dignity involves using maneuvers or holding back one’s reactions to give the other party a way out of the situation with minimal discomfort or damage to their dignity. It requires commitment, patience and sensitivity. The concept of “saving face” is considered high quality behavior ethics and manners. Arab culture encourages people to act with humility and sensitivity towards a person’s dignity, especially when that person’s dignity and self-respect is in jeopardy. This is crucial advice for those who may be involved in running a business in an Arab country.

Familiar structure: In an Arab family, gender and age play an important role in deciding responsibilities. The father is usually the head of the family and the provider of its needs, while the mother plays an important role in raising the children and taking care of the house. Although culture, traditions and Islam strongly emphasize the importance of women’s role in taking care of the house and raising children, it is a mistake to think that Arab women are confined to this role. Before Islam, there were many successful Arab businesswomen and they still exist throughout the Arab region, but for cultural reasons, they conduct business in a discreet manner. A daughter lives in her family’s home while she is not married. Children may move into their own homes when they marry, but at least one child will continue to live in the family home, even if he is married, to care for the parents. When a woman marries, no changes are made to any part of her name.

Business meetings with Arab companies: Sometimes when trying to set up meeting dates with your Arab clients, you’ll find their response is something like “When you’re in the area, give us a call.” Don’t take this as a sign of a lack of interest in your business. It is the same as a response that sets a specific date and time. Allow plenty of time to socially chat with your Arab clients before opening any business discussions.

Advertising and Marketing to the Arab Market: Your commercial advertising must be conservative in content and appearance and not present social values ​​or situations that contradict Arab culture or Islam. In almost all Arab countries, advertising must not directly or explicitly contain a comparison between two different brands for the same type of products. The message should put more emphasis on the quality and functionality of the product. The main sources of advertising are newspapers, magazines and television.

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