Is Jack Russell Training Necessary?

Some owners choose not to train their dogs. They want a dog that is easy to get along with and obedient from the start, and if that is the case, then this particular breed is probably not for you; you really need to know how to train a Jack Russell properly. They are incredibly active, vocal and social creatures by nature, so a lack of training can have some unpleasant consequences, but if done correctly, training your pet doesn’t have to be that difficult.

Jack’s Training Tips: How to Get Started

The most important thing to remember is that training should begin as soon as you bring your new puppy home. Jacks are incredibly intelligent and can respond to training very quickly, so early exposure to training will provide early results. Start by organizing their days and the exact times they should eat, play and sleep; then move on to housebreaking and other obedience topics. Results will be best achieved through careful follow-up, lots of praise, and concentrating on basic skills.

teach your puppy words

Teach your pup words that begin with “no” and “fine.” Tell your dog “no” immediately after he does something undesirable, if you wait too long afterward he won’t be able to make the connection. You want to be respected, so demand respect with every action, as this is a critical component to successfully training a Jack Russell.

The importance of socialization

Socialization is an extremely important part of Jack Russell training and should also start as soon as possible. These dogs can have a tendency to be aggressive and are incredibly protective of their owners, they often don’t like other dogs they perceive as a threat, but if you get them used to other dogs when they are young it shouldn’t be such a big deal. Take your dog to obedience classes or anywhere he can bond with his peers, like walks or parks.

keep your focus

Although the Jacks are incredibly intelligent, they have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. Once a Jack is bored or distracted, there is almost nothing you can do to regain his concentration, so do your best to keep these training sessions stimulating enough to keep your dog focused. A simple way to do this is to keep their sessions short with lots of treats and praise, showing them over and over again that good behavior will always end in some kind of reward.

Let your Jack Russell know who’s boss

As pack animals, Jacks need an Alpha Dog to look up to and will designate themselves Alpha in the absence of another. Naturally, you can’t let your Jack Russell get so disillusioned, so take the time to demonstrate his authority over everything that happens in the home. Make sure they are not allowed to ask for scraps, stand on your chest when playing, sleep anywhere but their bed, or demand immediate attention, and always discipline them firmly without resorting to praise right after. Jacks needs to be told what to do and it’s his job to tell him.

So what are the Jack Russell training secrets? Start early, be consistent, demand respect, maintain interest, and be quick to praise them. This training process can be a satisfying and surprisingly simple experience. As long as you’re prepared to be a little patient as you turn your wild Jack into the perfect canine princeling, you’ll soon have the mate of your dreams.

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