I became interested in hypnosis because I had a compulsive craving for sweets and unhealthy food. I struggled with this problem for years. I tried a few methods: different types of diets, changes in eating habits, different type of nutrition routines, powerful exercise regimens. None of these willpower-based approaches worked for me permanently. I started researching hypnosis. I saw a lot of positive feedback so I decided to give it a try.

Through hypnosis, I got rid of my problem permanently. It was easier than he had imagined. I did not experience any feelings of deprivation. Gradually, the routine of eating healthy, clean foods became natural and even enjoyable. As a positive side effect, I lost a few extra pounds, without a fight, reaching the weight I was looking for.


Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, and we experience a hypnotic state hundreds of times in everyday life. Whenever we do something automatic, like driving on a familiar road, taking a shower, just before falling asleep at night! During a hypnosis session with a hypnotherapist, one experiences pleasant deep relaxation, light drowsiness, while being in complete control, even if extremely relaxed. The conscious mind becomes calm and distracted, allowing the subconscious mind to activate and open up to positive suggestions. Hypnosis has now been thoroughly investigated by science. It is proven that during hypnosis, powerful healing and integration occurs in the brain, which is clearly seen through MRI, EEG (electroencephalogram) and MEG (magnetoencephalogram). Hypnotherapy is often used within the conventional Western fields of medicine and psychology, and professional hypnotherapists may work with nutritionists, physicians, and psychiatrists for better and more rewarding results.


We have a conscious intelligence and a subconscious intelligence. The conscious mind is in charge of thinking, rationalizing, analyzing, logical. The subconscious, on the other hand, is not logical at all, it is the source of your imagination, feelings and emotions. The subconscious records all our previous life experiences, all our memories, everything we have heard or seen, and also how we feel and perceive each experience. It is the part of the mind that controls all the autonomic functions of the body, such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion process, blood circulation, liver function, etc., daily life. Our subconscious intelligence controls all our behaviors, attitudes and actions, it does not analyze, it does not discriminate between good or evil. Most of what we do is the product of the subconscious mind. All the ideas, information, thoughts, that we have automatically stored in the subconscious mind, since childhood, form a belief system.

This set of beliefs, in turn, ends up driving your thoughts, feelings, and actions, producing your current behavior patterns, and ultimately creating your present reality. When you were a child, your parents, your teachers, your religious tutors, they were all sources of information, you trusted them. You believed everything they said, even if it was false. At that young age you couldn’t filter all the information you received. In fact, from the time you were born until you were 7 years old, your brain was in a constant state of light hypnosis, since the rational brain had not yet developed. If your mother told you, “spinach is good for you,” you would believe her. And so, if your parents told you that you’re not important, that you’re not smart enough, that you don’t have talent, you believed them too. Then eventually, after hearing those false ideas over and over again, they were reinforced and ingrained in the subconscious, creating false and negative programming.

This conditioning is constantly influencing people’s lives, their decisions and actions, without them being aware of it. So even if you consciously know what to do to make positive changes, some unconscious limitation, negative programming, is interfering with your goal outcomes, sabotaging your success and well-being. For example, on a conscious level, you have a strong desire to achieve a positive goal or make a positive change. You start taking the right action to achieve it. Your unconscious limiting beliefs, on the other hand, can convey a hidden signal, which is the opposite of that desire.

Your conscious intentions and your subconscious messages, in this case, they do not match, but they are in conflict. They just don’t have the same goal! You can compare your subconscious to your computer hard drive and your limiting beliefs to the software installed on your computer. To play your music, open and run Media Player installed on your hard drive. The current version of the player often freezes, creating problems. So you decide to play your music through the latest version of Media Player, which you haven’t installed yet. You try, but you fail over and over again. It is impossible as you will never be able to play your music using a software that is missing from the hard drive. Then the old version of Media Player will continue to play your music files, over and over again! In my case, all the steps I had previously taken to cure my food cravings had not worked because I was trying to solve this problem, using willpower, applying hard discipline and resistance.

These are functions of the cognitive mind, which, even though it is intelligent, only has 5% of the power of the mind. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, has 95% of the power, directing our thoughts and actions 95% of the time. In addition, some limiting negative subconscious beliefs were in conflict with my conscious desires. My faulty conditioning would associate healthy food with suffering and deprivation, unhealthy food with pleasure and reward. So my subconscious mind would repeatedly trigger a self-protection alarm to prevent a painful experience from occurring, sabotaging positive change, over and over again.

It is not so easy to change false and limiting unconscious conditioning, to replace many years of negative thinking, simply by willingly doing it, or by using your willpower and conscious mind. The subconscious is much stronger and atrophied than the conscious mind. So in the end, he always wins the battle. Scientific facts state that the subconscious mind can process around 400 billion bits of information per second, while the conscious mind can process only 4 thousand per second!

Through hypnosis it is possible to remove old useless software that causes your computer (your subconscious) to crash and install new software that will allow you to run the program you want. Hypnosis allows you to permanently change your negative conditioning and replace it with a true and healthy belief pattern that is consistent with your conscious intentions, aligning conscious desires with unconscious healthy beliefs. It is only reaching this alignment that allows you to be able to manifest your goals successfully. Only through permanent positive and healthy changes in your subconscious mind will you achieve permanent positive changes in your life!

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