Now, when search engines started ranking sites this way, some webmasters started creating web rings and link farms where all the participants would link to each other. Some of these link farms grew to thousands of links and of course the websites in these link farms went straight to the top of the rankings. Now, search engines have banned this type of activity, and actually frown on any activity that creates a lot of inbound links to your website in a short period of time, or if all of your inbound links contain the same link text.

They assume that if you are an honest and ethical webmaster, you will get new links slowly, over a period of time, not 500 in a day, as you might if you pay someone to place your link on a large number of websites. site(s. Of course, if you paid someone to do that, you might as well assume that most of those links would have the same link text in them, so they also assume that if you get a bunch of new links with the same text on the anchor. , then you must be doing something fun.

So what can we deduce from this?

Mainly two things:

1) Plan a link building strategy for your website. How many inbound links do you want? 100? 500? Whatever the number is, divide that number by 50 and then whatever your result is, plan to achieve that number of new links per week for the next year and by the end of the year you will have the desired number of inbound links, your site will not be banned and will have a lot of link popularity.

Sure, you may be thinking that you want to do it now. Unfortunately, the web is not a now effort. You have to take the time to build a web business for the long term. It just won’t happen overnight, and you just have to patiently do the work and allow time to build up.

2) Deliberately modify the anchor text you place in your incoming links. For example, if the keyword you want your web page to rank highly for is “dog training”, vary your anchor text like this: “dog training”, “dog training tips”, ” best dog training”, “how to train dogs”. This way, your website will appear to be gaining inbound links naturally and without using any kind of trickery.

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