When I started lifting weights and designing my diet, I realized that in order to get enough nutrition, I needed to eat at least 5 meals a day. If I had to cook and prepare all those meals, I would spend my whole life in the kitchen, so I needed a better way. That’s when I found out that you can actually replace some of your meals with meal replacement shakes.

A quality shake will always have a lot of nutrition. Most of which will be whey protein or creatine or something like that because those are the kind of ingredients that will give your body everything it needs to gain size.

A common problem with meal replacements is that people overindulge and try to use them for all of their meals! Do not do this because they are not designed for this purpose and do not have all the nutrition your body needs for a whole day.

I always use these shakes to replace my post and also my pre workout nutrition. I find it much easier to make a quick shake before and after my exercise routine instead of eating a full meal.

I like to use a supplement shaker for my meal replacement drinks because it means i can easily take it to the gym with me. I like to have it with me when I do my exercises so I can sip between sets.

Every once in a while I take a break from supplements and prepare each of my meals every day. I find this helps flush and clean my system and allows me to safely get back to supplementing within a few weeks.

I have also found that once I stop taking supplements for a few weeks and then start taking them again, I make great gains! It seems the rest has somehow made them much more powerful when I start using them again.

So I recommend you research some meal replacement shake ingredients and recipes and start making your own. This way, he can still get all his nutrition without having to spend all day working in the kitchen.

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