So you met the love of your life and you would like to make your marriage proposal. This is an exciting time in your life. Have you thought of some marriage proposals? Okay, so you’ve made up a hundred marriage proposals and you haven’t worried. Stop worrying, he is just waiting for your marriage proposal. She’s been hinting for a while, she’s ready to say YES to his marriage proposal. Here are some tried and true, serious and silly marriage proposals especially for you …

Practice Makes Perfect: Marriage Proposals.

Now that you are ready to make your marriage proposal, you need some practice. Pick some of your marriage proposals and record yourself to hear how it sounds. Practice makes perfect, so practice your marriage proposal over and over again. It is as if your dog does not accept your marriage proposal and wags his tail, better invent a new marriage proposal. In general, cats are more demanding, but a dog will even accept a poor quality marriage proposal if you throw him a dog bone.

Chinese Restaurant – Marriage Proposals

Take your fiancĂ© to a Chinese restaurant and have the waiter give him a “rigged” fortune cookie for dessert asking him to marry you. Have your diamond engagement ring ready for when she says yes!

Camping Trip – Marriage Proposals

Do you have a favorite campsite? What’s more romantic than making your marriage proposal where the two of you had a blast? You can simply make a game of marriage proposals by playing twenty questions together in your sleeping bag. Another great marriage proposal is to write in the sand or carve it into a tree.

Beach Party – Marriage Proposal

Throw a beach party and tuck the engagement ring into your swimsuit. You can hide the engagement ring in her beach bag. Better yet, make a sand castle, ask her the question and say, “Do you see this sand castle? Someday, I am going to build you a real castle because you are my queen (then look at her with those sad puppy eyes or yours .. .

Elegant Theater Date – Marriage Proposals

There are some versions of the Elegant Theater Date Marriage proposals. The usual plot is for you to take her to her favorite movie, go out to dinner, and make your marriage proposal for dessert. You just ask the question and she says YES! A cool option, you make your marriage proposal in the lobby with a HUGE bag of popcorn in hand.

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