Traditional martial arts methods can make you feel upset, agitated, and bored. This situation is compounded by the fact that many black belt martial arts masters would never win in a real world fight on the streets.

Unfortunately, many martial arts instructors call themselves masters, but you can only learn street fighting from someone who has. It is this type of fighter who has demonstrated and developed the necessary skills to help you survive a fight on the street. You will be taught how to use all the techniques and tips listed in this article. Read on for a list of techniques you will never learn simply by studying classic martial arts methods.

Deadly Street Fighting Techniques n. # 1: If you get a chance, feel free to bite your attackers’ face. If you use your hands or arms to grab it close to your face, use your teeth. Every part of the attacker’s body is vulnerable to bites. The attacker’s muscles can be very effective targets, as you can sink your teeth deep into them and cause severe blood loss. Now it is very important to remember the following idea.

Deadly Street Fighting Techniques n. # 2: If you kick your opponent, focus on the lower body, such as the knees. A strong kick to the kneecap of your attacker can break the bone. If you’re fighting a bigger attacker, aim your kicks at his groin. If your attacker catches you in a tight hug, kick his chin and stomp his feet. There are many ways to injure your opponent’s lower body sections and create significant pain. These are the areas that you should launch your kicks towards.

Deadly Street Fighting Techniques # 3: Rehearse these methods with a partner and improvise scenarios. Work in a spacious area and find someone who is willing to attack you like an attacker on the street. By being spontaneous, you can practice your responses to an unprovoked attack more realistically.

Deadly Street Fighting Techniques n. # 4: Hitting someone’s eyes can be even more effective than punching during a street fight. When your attacker gets close, your best target is your eyes. You must do everything you can to cause your attacker pain. Aiming for the eyes will create serious pain and will also temporarily blind them, which is a huge plus.

Deadly Street Fighting Techniques # 5: Be aware of the weapons that are introduced into a fight. I was recently attacked by someone holding a hammer. Someone nearby yelled that this opponent had a hammer in hand. I didn’t realize this due to the shear chaos during the fight. I used this tip to make sure he never got a second chance to attack me with his hammer. I quickly won the fight and got out of the situation.

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