If you are looking to start selling information products, you should consider interviewing an expert.

Interviewing creates magic; makes something out of nothing.

When I started my business interviewing marketing experts in 2001, I knew little about the subject.

Although I was determined.

I decided that I was going to provide the best marketing content on the web and I would do whatever it took to achieve it. If it meant reaching out to people I didn’t know (which was pretty much everyone in those early years) and offering to interview them, I’d do it.

Armed with little more than a phone and a tape recorder, I decided to focus on asking good questions, recording the answers, and putting out great products on the Internet.

The strategy seemed to work.

Over time, people started visiting my website. And the number has been increasing ever since.

These people come looking for experience. They come looking for experience. They come looking for stories.

And I can offer all these things.

And every time they visit that website, they see my name.

And every time they play one of my interviews, they hear my voice.

Naturally, over the years, my knowledge of the many aspects of business and marketing has grown: direct mail, advertising, and copywriting.

But, I still don’t consider myself an expert on any of them.

The interesting thing is that many of my clients do.

So much so that they are willing to spend money to buy my products. Sometimes a lot of money.

And that is magic.

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