Vacation time can be a nice time of the year where people spend time with their friends and family. It can also be a time for a drink or four with friends and family. In case you’re having too much fun on your vacation, here are a few things that might help you get through your vacation binge.

Your body needs fluids: If you hit the eggnog too hard, then you know all too well the post-eggnog headache that can rear its ugly head. After a day of drinking alcoholic fluids, your body needs to replace the other non-alcoholic fluids that were lost. If you’ve ever heard of the “cotton mouth” symptom after drinking, this is just another way of saying you’re dehydrated. If you’re lucky, grab a Gatorade and throw yourself on the couch. Just take it easy and drink any liquid you can find. Coffee is generally not the best option because it can wake you up, but who really wants to be wide awake with a horrible headache? Fruit juice is also a great option because of the sugars.

Try to get some rest and watch Kung Fu movies: One mistake people make is to go out too soon after a night out. What I mean is that instead of taking enough time to let their bodies heal, some people go shopping or just get busy. One of the advantages of having a Christmas hangover is that, for the most part, you may already be on your feet and not going anywhere. If you have them, one of the best cures I have for my hangovers is to lie on the couch and watch old kung fu movies. Either that or golf, they always put me to sleep. I can wake up and catch up on the movie, and go back to sleep. Usually when I wake up from a nap the headache is almost gone or gone. It is important to stay home if you still have a bad hangover. I’ve had friends leave the house and get pulled over the next day, and still go over the legal limit. Make sure you give your body plenty of time to rest and process all the damage that was done the night before.

These are just a couple of things I do to help cure my hangovers. Please feel free to leave comments to add to the list of cures. Holidays should be a time of happiness and joy. If you think drinking has become a problem, contact services that can help you. Remember to always drink in moderation and your hangovers will be gone before you wake up.

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