If you think you know what it takes to get ripped abs then take this quiz and find out! And hey, even if you don’t know what to do and want to learn, this quiz is for you too because you will learn a lot when you read the answers. By the time you finish this quiz, you’ll know the three things you need to start doing today to get the body you deserve.

This questionnaire consists of three questions, which are the following:

1) When trying to get a six pack, you must:
A) Focus only on your abs
B) Train your entire body
C) Just Perform Cardio
D) Sit on your couch all day and eat chips

Ok, obviously the answer is not D. The correct answer is B. If you want to get a ripped abs fast, you have to train your whole body.

Most people think that you just need to focus on your abs or just do cardio. And while doing abdominal exercises and cardio are things you should be doing, you should also focus on training your entire body because this will burn the most fat in the long run.

2) What type of cardio should you focus on?
A) Standard cardio consisting of jogging for 40-60 minutes every day
B) Walking at a brisk pace on an incline treadmill for 60 minutes
C) HIIT Cardio (High Intensity Interval Training)
d) all of the above

The answer to this question is D. All of these types of cardio are good and should be done at one time or another.

If I had to focus on just one type, I’d say do HIIT, but the problem with that is that you can’t do HIIT every day because it would be too much for the body. Instead, you should try walking at a brisk pace or jogging on the treadmill on days you’re recovering from HIIT.

3) For how many days should I recover?
A) One day of rest between each training
B) Rest of two days between each training
C) Without rest, train every day
D) Both A and B

The answer to this is actually D. Some workouts will be somewhat easy for you, if that’s the case just rest a day between workouts. If the training was really hard and you’re still sore, take another day off.

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