Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. These words, generally credited to Henry Ford, succinctly explain how important one’s attitude and mindset is in becoming the best and most important one one can be. When one faces obstacles, does he see them as problems or challenges to overcome? If, introspectively, you think of the different image, between the problematic thought, versus, perceiving something, as an obstacle, while the former, risks letting things control you, and your reaction (or lack thereof), the latter In general, it leads to focus, on the ways, to overcome any challenge, and to proceed, in the best possible way, towards a personal, viable, valuable solution, etc. When your emphasis/focus consistently considers how you CAN, instead of all the reasons you can’t, your chances for personal growth and achievement become exponentially greater. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Character; create/ creative; coordinator; affectionate; consideration; clarity/clear: One’s essential character quality is an important factor between proceeding, with the necessary degree of clarity and insight, versus becoming much less than one could be! Personal success and satisfaction often stem from the ability and willingness to create a winning scenario, rather than dwell on the negatives. This personal creativity helps to coordinate, to overcome fears, to worry about becoming the best possible person! Achieving this often requires optimal thoughtfulness, clarity, and a willingness to be clear and find a solution! In other words, it makes sense to get yourself checked out, from the neck up, so you can proceed in the most productive way.

2. Assess/evaluation; attitude; fitness; articulate; behaviour: Will you be ready and willing to assess the real you using a meaningful personal assessment? Personal achievement comes from consistently proceeding with a positive attitude, from being able to do, and from articulating, to oneself, the most positive message possible. Aligning this, with well-considered actions, helps you to be your best!

3. Needs; negativity; shades; nervous: Avoid the tendency to take the easy way out, which often creates an atmosphere/aura of negativity! Know what makes you happy and fulfilling, address those specific nuances, and cheekily proceed to take timely and well-considered action, instead of resorting to procrastination!

When the going gets tough, will you take the path of least resistance and choose procrastination or the beneficial option of believing in yourself? CAN succeed! If you want to be your own best friend, go ahead, avoid, emphasize, problems and consider, challenges, to overcome!

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