Many people want to know what is the best fat loss exercise that gives them the best results in the shortest amount of time. Often the best advice they get is “diet and exercise.” This is a great recommendation, but it’s pretty vague for people who are busy and don’t want to spend a lot of time exercising.

What you are about to learn are some of the best fat loss exercises that will help you burn more calories while working out in less time. These exercises to lose fat will provide you with a quick way to lose weight because you will be able to work your whole body without spending hours in the gym.

You’ll notice that none involve doing “single joint” exercises like bicep curls, tricep curls, calf raises, etc. All of these exercises are meant to work the entire body. This will work all of your muscles, which will burn more calories and help you burn more fat. Plus, these strength training exercises are a great way to add lean muscle mass and give you that “toned” look that all the magazine models have.

PUSHUPS – are an exercise that will work your chest while keeping the rest of your body straight. Push-ups can really strengthen your upper body. If you’re not used to doing push-ups, you can always do them on your knees at first. Doing a lot of push-ups will challenge anyone and help you develop good definition in your upper body.

SQUATS – are one of the most common exercises for the lower body. They will really strengthen your lower body and help you look “toned” legs. Squats are like getting in and out of a chair or sofa. Squats can be performed with your own body weight or by holding dumbbells to add some extra weight. They are one of the most basic exercises that can always help you stay in better shape.

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS are a full body workout that can be very challenging. Mountain climbers start in the same position as pushups, except you alternate bringing each knee in toward your abdomen. You can do mountain climbers slow to really work your abs or faster if you want to make it more of a cardio/strength exercise to burn extra calories.

PLANKS – Will help you build core strength and work your abs. They’re similar to doing push-ups, except you just lie flat facing the floor and support your full weight on your forearms and toes. You lift your hips off the ground and hold this position for about 30 seconds. You can add an added benefit by squeezing your glutes and abs the entire time.

DUMBBELL THRUST PRESSES: Combination squats and dumbbell overhead presses in one exercise. You squat down and then push the dumbbells overhead as you squat back up. If you do 25 reps in a row, you’ll really feel every muscle in your body working hard. This is a great example of combining strength training and cardio training into one exercise.

LUNGES: It will really work your entire lower body. Lunges are essentially like squats, except you take a big step forward as you lower and lift your torso off the ground. Lunges will make your legs very strong and you will burn a lot of calories. If you’ve never done lunges before, you might feel a little sore in your legs the next day, which is a good thing!

I don’t know about you, but when I exercise to lose fat, I want to burn as many calories as I can in the shortest time possible. That’s why these fat loss exercises are so good for fat loss. You work more muscles, which burns more calories, helping you get more out of your workouts without spending hours in the gym. Of course, a solid nutrition program is also needed for optimal results, but doing full-body exercises like the ones in this article are a great place to start when you’re heading into your next workout.

Therefore, the fastest way to lose weight is to use full-body exercises AND follow a smart nutrition program. The next time you work out, try using these total body fat loss exercises instead of long cardios, sit-ups, squats, or any other abdominal exercises.

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