Cris Chico’s Virtual Wholesaling is an innovative unique strategy for real estate wholesaling anywhere, anywhere. This strategy is powerful because it allows you to profit from real estate even in this troubled economy. All you need is a computer, a cell phone, and Cris’s advice and you can become a wholesale virtual investor, but is it right for you?

What is wholesaling?

As a real estate wholesaler, you are in the business of finding and negotiating the purchase of a property at a wholesale price – an affordable price. You are targeting highly motivated sellers who generally have a property in distress, in need of repair, and need to get rid of it quickly.

Once you have signed a purchase agreement with the seller, you will now market your real estate offering to other real estate investors, usually people who buy the property. You give them your right to buy from them and they close the deal. They pay you a fee for taking the time to find and negotiate this deal.

He never touches the property, he doesn’t do any repairs, but he makes a lot of money, the rehabilitator makes a lot of money, and the seller sells his house.

What is virtual wholesaling?

The economy is suffering, but virtual wholesaling is booming. Why? Cris Chico is training investors with the techniques and strategies to find and sell real estate anywhere in the country. It is a unique concept that allows you to wholesale anywhere in the country from anywhere.

Instead of wholesaling homes in your local market, you are now wholesaling homes nationally as a virtual wholesale investor.

Cris Chico shows you in her well-known and successful Virtual Wholeselling course how …

  • Find trendy real estate markets
  • Market for motivated sellers with distressed real estate
  • Outsource everything so you never have to personally inspect any property
  • Analyze and determine the value of properties.
  • Fill out the exact forms and postcards that Cris gives you
  • And more …

Is Virtual Wholesale Right For You?

Cris Chico’s Virtual Wholesale course is right for you if you can afford the cost of the course, you have a desire to implement the program, you want to be successful, and you can afford the cost of marketing.

Many new investors don’t realize the cost of marketing for motivated salespeople. Of course, you can make a lot of money as a real estate investor using free marketing methods, but paying for advertising and, more specifically, sending letters and postcards can accelerate your success to new levels.

Paying the cost of mailing letters and postcards Cris shows you how to do at Virtual Wholeselling is next to nothing when you win $ 5,000, $ 10,000, $ 20,000, and more in a wholesale sale. You only have to be able to pay the cost of the postage for a chance to earn money.

So if you think this is right for you, you have the money for the course, and the money to pay for the marketing, then the decision is easy.

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