Cocaine For Sale And Use

Cocaine for sale is one of the most highly abused drugs in the United States. It can be extremely addictive, highly profitable, and easily purchased. Because of the potential for abuse, possession of cocaine is illegal, punished severely, and often made a prerequisite for rehabilitation. The penalties for violating probation are very harsh, ranging from heavy fines to lengthy incarceration.

Because cocaine for sale can have such a dramatic and devastating affect on society, and because enforcement of its use often tends to be weak, many people who do not have serious intentions of using it do so only accidentally. When they are caught, the punishments that their criminal acts bring fall far below the severity of their actual intent. Cocaine for sale can have a significant financial element attached to it. It is possible to be sentenced to years in prison simply for having sold a small amount of the drug.

Often, a person who is caught with an illegal narcotic drug such as cocaine for sale will be sentenced to some form of punishment, even if they had no intention of doing so at the time of their arrest. This is true of any type of drug crime, but is especially true of a possession. In fact, if the police catch a defendant with a small amount of cocaine hidden in their pocket, they are more likely to charge the defendant with simple possession rather than trafficking. The reason for this is that cocaine is both a narcotic drug and a controlled substance, both of which carry separate penalties. Thus, if the police find a defendant with a small amount of cocaine hidden in their pocket, instead of cracking down and charging them with either grand theft auto or cocaine trafficking, they are more likely to make an exception and elect possession of the drug instead.

Drug Crimes And Their Effects

Commonly, the penalties for cocaine possession range between five years in prison and a maximum of ten years in prison. However, the penalties also depend upon what state the drugs were sold in. Some states have mandatory minimums for the subsequent five years, while others have no minimum at all. Although a defendant may be facing a sentence of five years in prison, it is possible that the amount actually received could be much higher. That being said, the majority of states which have at least one level of felony associated with the sale or possession of a narcotic drug do not have a maximum sentence for the subsequent five years.

In addition to facing the potential jail sentence, other serious penalties can result from carrying an illegal narcotic such as cocaine for sale or possession. First, a defendant will be required to undergo drug treatment in order to receive a sentence for a felony conviction. Also, carrying a powdered cocaine product (sometimes called “crack”) without the crack (ground) cocaine attached is a federal crime that could lead to significant time behind bars. Although the penalties for selling and using powdered cocaine are significantly lighter than those faced by those who are convicted of actual cocaine distribution, the penalties still exist.

The penalties associated with the intent to sell and use a controlled substance are much more severe than those faced by individuals who are merely caught with a small amount of the drug. Specifically, a person who knowingly receives a controlled substance in order to sell or use it will be charged with a felony – regardless of whether they sold the substance or not. In addition to facing potentially long sentences, those who are caught with large amounts of cocaine base can also be subjected to additional fines and fees. Although the fines associated with cocaine possession are nominal in comparison to those faced by users of the drug, it still can accumulate quickly. As a result, many people who are charged with cocaine possession do not go to trial and accept a plea deal in order to reduce their charges or face multiple trials.

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