Pet birds are beautiful and intelligent creatures, many of which have the intriguing advantage of being able to talk. Answers to the following 7 questions will increase your chances of selecting one that can speak.

1. What is the best way to determine speaking ability? The only way to ensure that your pet can talk is to listen to it talk. Although some breeds appear to be more capable of speech than others, each bird is an individual and there is no guarantee that the bird you select will be able to speak or meet the usual breed standard.

Make sure the ability to talk is secondary to your commitment to providing a healthy and loving environment for your bird of choice. Count on you from day one.

2. Are there certain species that are more prone to talk? Yes, the larger parrots have more of a reputation for talking. These include cockatoos, the yellow-headed Amazon parrot, and some macaws. Smaller breeds like cockatiels, parakeets (budgies), and parakeets can often verbalize as well.

3. At what age can I expect to start hearing words? The speaking age differs with race. Most birds need to start young, as there is a limited window of opportunity during the first few years of a bird’s life to train them. However, the Congo African Gray is the exception to this rule, speaking later and continuing to learn new words throughout its life.

4. Does it matter where I adopt the bird? A hand-fed bird is a better choice (usually from a breeder) because it has developed a trusting relationship with humans. Having a bird that is not afraid of humans is a great advantage and can have great benefits when training begins.

5. Are there factors that can help determine if an individual bird will talk? In general, male birds are better talkers than females. A young bird is a better student. A healthy bird is a good choice for obvious reasons. And race is the most important thing.

6. I bought a bird because it was supposed to learn words, but it doesn’t. Because? Depending on the age of your bird, you may have missed the opportunity for your bird to learn. It can also be an individual trait or gender. Some birds, regardless of what they are supposed to do, just don’t possess the ability.

It is my greatest hope that you continue to provide a good home for your bird despite this failure of your plans. You may get to the point where you enjoy your bird. because He doesn’t speak. Think about it a bit.

7. Is there a way to choose a bird from the pet store that can talk? Trying to determine which bird will talk is risky business. Observe the bird at different times during the day to see how talkative it is; the more you babble, the better your chances of bringing home a chatterbox. Also avoid birds that show signs of illness, such as puffy feathers, low energy, and any discharge from the eyes and nose.

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