In each and every football season there is something that drives me crazy. Seriously, this really bothers me.

When Notre Dame plays Stanford, I have to listen to the announcers tell me that the Stanford Cardinal made his way down the field. There are eleven players in any offensive unit, not just one player. The cardinal is unique. Cardinals is plural. Wouldn’t the Cardinals make more sense when describing an 11-guy unit moving down the field?

I just do not get it. It literally drives me crazy every time I hear it. Was it the whole team that took the field or just one of them? And if so, which one?

Fortunately, gives me a little idea why this happens. It still doesn’t make sense to me, but I’ll let you decide.

In 1892, after a huge victory over Cal, Stanford adopted the color of cardinal as its primary color. Until 1972 they were known as the Indians. At that time a group of Indian students petitioned to change their name as the current one was offensive to them.

The University listened and from 1972 to 1981 their official name was the Cardinals.

The name was apparently never a reference to the bird, just the color.

In 1981, the then Stanford present who was overthinking the subject, declared that they would henceforth be referred to as the Stanford Cardinal in the singular form.

Why is this necessary? I think if I were a sportscaster assigned to cover one of their games, I would have to take a position. I will let the powers of being know that it will be my intention that when I mention a person on the team, I will indeed refer to him as Cardinal, but when I refer to a group of players, I will refer to them as the Cardinals. to do otherwise is silly and I obviously don’t have time for a lot of nonsense.

Each adult must adhere to their own personal belief system or their life will be without honor.

Unfortunately, this investigation led me to another big problem with the Stanford team name and mascot.

They don’t have pets. Why not?

Sometimes your logo will have a tree in the middle. Other times it’s just a big “S”. Stanford Tree is actually a member of the band who is disguised as, well what else, a tree. This tree is actually based on a particular tree that has a name, El Palo Alto, which is a Palo Alto redwood.

Although many people consider the “tree” to be their pet, it is not officially their pet.

Stanford is a highly respected university and you have to be smart to attend. You’d think a bunch of highly intelligent people wouldn’t have as much trouble naming their sports team or choosing a mascot.

Maybe now you think differently.

I’m thinking that using a tree would be a good thing if you have exceptionally tough defense and want to emphasize its immobility.

It doesn’t work as well on the offensive side of things. Saying that the running back was as fast as a tree, or that a wide receiver crossed the field like a tree, just doesn’t sound right.

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