What can you do to maximize your success on the mat, field, court or arena?

Do you have any PCR?

What? Don’t you know what a PCR is?

What a shame!

It’s a prank!

So what is a PCR?

A PCR is simply a pre-competition routine or what you do right before you compete to “prepare” yourself and perform at your best!

PCRs are the “Repetitive Steps Athletes Take to Prepare” for consistent performance (up to their potential)!

Also, YOUR CRP is what gets you in the “Proper Mindset” for PERFORMANCE UNDER PRESSURE!

Keeping your composure with the many different variables that make up the competition is vital to consistent performance and ultimately the success you yearn to achieve!

Here is an example of a CRP for athletes:

1. Pack my gear the night before.
2. Make sure I have all my favorite music with me for tomorrow’s competition.
3. Go early to the stadium/field/school to check out any “specifics” that will benefit me and give me a “competitive edge.”
4. Arrive early and secure my equipment where I want to be during the Competition.
5. Know the order of events or the time when my team or I compete.
6. Do my “prescribed warm-up” routine.
7. Relax and listen to my “Music Set”.
8. Stay away from the crowd.
9. FOCUS on me and “My Winning Techniques.”
10. As the time to compete draws near, get into my “Just Right” state of mind!

When everything is complete, you should be a few minutes away from Compete.

As the end of time draws near, you must be ready to RUN your…


Champions understand and use CP as a regular part of creating the ULTIMATE MINDSET to…

Consistent performance in the championship!

I guarantee that superstar athletes like Dan Gable, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Lance Armstrong used Performance Cues as part of the routine to prepare to compete at the highest level!

Next time, we’ll cover PCs and how you need them to succeed at peak levels of competition!

So until the next time….

Remember, “It’s just your life, chase it!”

Take care and god bless you!

Trainer Tommy Pavia

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