The voodoo doll is actually not from the original African voodoo. Modern voodoo became so powerful because it was forged in the fires of survival and included sections on various arts.

The practitioners used whatever form of magic worked. The voodoo doll is actually from a form of European magic in which it was called a Poppet. That is to say, Puppet, not Puppet but the word Puppet does come from the word Puppet.

Poppets are mainly believed to be a powerful magical tool for successful spells based on a magical law called similitude, which is a sublaw of sympathetic magic. But this belief as a whole has caused many problems.

Because Voodoo Doll or Poppet Magic can be quite effective, this theory behind why it works was strengthened. But that is only partially correct. A very important piece of understanding was lost that has caused much pain.

When you use a voodoo doll or doll in your magic, you are actually doing 2 things.

1. You are acting with the law of similarity, but that act mostly just strengthens the focus on your own mind and spirit. Think of it this way: after you get a haircut and the barber flushes your hair down the toilet, do you drown? Or if a photo of you is burned, do you burn? You usually don’t.

A doll that you make yourself while thinking about your recipient will always be a much more powerful spell casting tool than a doll that you bought and just added a bit of hair or a photo. Sure, I’d love to sell you blank dolls, but if I did this I’d be cutting short your wizarding education and setting your spells to failure.

2. Second and most important, you are forging a connection with your spirit between yourself and your recipient through the doll when you make the doll and while focusing on the recipient.

This connection then acts as a conduit for the energy of the spell. Whether you invoke the Loa or another spirit or simply use your own energy, it’s like a path through the bushes from your intention to your recipient.

This connection between you and your recipient is why it is a bad idea to work harmful magic on someone in this way. This is one of the most common ways voodoo spells backfire. If you are sticking pins in your wrist and thinking hateful thoughts about your recipient, some of that energy will come from the wrist to you. In fact, you can try this. Make a doll and do something to it and then feel the reaction on yourself. You can even make a doll of yourself and cast spells on yourself this way.

A good use of a Voodoo Doll or Puppet is a protection spell or feeling loved. This is when you want the recipient to feel your good feelings from a distance. Another good use of a Poppet or Voodoo Doll is to define and then find someone.

In such a spell, you are creating similarity with someone you want to find. Your spirit is intelligent and connected in ways you can’t imagine. And of course, when you are more advanced, the Loa can help you find people.

Here are the steps:

Let’s say you want to find a specific type of person. This could be a love interest, a sexual encounter, an accountant for your business, a good dog trainer or someone to play chess with, almost any type of person. You make a Poppet while thinking of exactly this type of person and putting symbols that have meaning to you into your Poppet creation.

Key note here: Your doll will connect you to this person. Has to. It always will, I guarantee it. Even if you really do a bad job with him, you’ll still have a connection. The connection will be very weak. But here’s the caveat: you can easily pull this person towards you or away from you. The connection goes both ways.

But you can still try this kind of magic without it. The connection will have a natural pull bias. If you just make the doll, don’t worry about whether it will work or not.

Once you finish it, put it somewhere where you can see it and ask yourself every day if you will see this person today, but don’t worry about not seeing them. If you do, you will push that person away.

If you start to feel this way, you should destroy the doll and erase the spell. Until you know better how to control the direction of your energy, just don’t put any force into the spell. It will tend to automatically draw you to your recipient simply because you forged the connection.

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