People first ask why to use Twitter, then they ask how to use Twitter. One of the most effective ways to use Twitter is at live events.

There are plenty of Twitter-enhanced events each year: the South by Southwest Music and Media Festival (#sxsw), the World College Series (#cws), the Big Seminar (#bigsem), and hundreds more.

There are several reasons why you want to use Twitter at live events. These are the main reasons:

1. Use Twitter to prepare for the event. You may be looking for others planning to attend, or asking questions about the speakers or the event. If you see a social event on Saturday night, you can tweet the organizer and ask if there’s a special outfit you need to bring. You can coordinate rides from the airport by asking if someone else will be arriving at the same time.

2. Use Twitter to connect with other people who attend. How often have you sat in an audience of several hundred or thousands of people and wondered how you would find someone you knew? Where will you meet for dinner?

With Twitter you simply tweet that you’re going to the event and you’ll be surprised how many people you know tweet back. Even if they are not at the event, they will tell you about someone they know who is at the same event.

3. Use Twitter to join the conversation. First, find out what hashtag is being used for the event. Just search for the event title and see how the other tweets are tagged. If the event has a Twitter-friendly organizer, ask them what hashtag they’re using.

When you use the hashtag (#event) all the event tweets appear together. It makes it easy for someone following the event to find all the information in one place.

4. Use Twitter to keep others informed about the event. As you listen to the speakers, tweet about what they’re presenting. Offer your opinions. Others at the event will enjoy your perspective, and those unable to attend will appreciate the updates.

5. Use Twitter to follow up. If you enjoy the tweets of another attendee, start following them. You can ask them for more information, based on their tweets. You can retweet those items that you find most useful. It’s a great way to start new relationships, based on a common event.

While Twitter is a great marketing tool, it’s also great for enhancing your experience at seminars and events. Start using it for your next event.

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