Many people write down great quotes that they come across while reading or surfing the internet, and collect these quotes in a notebook or computer file. If you haven’t been collecting your favorite quotes, start now. This article presents three ideas on how you can use your motivational and success quotes once your collection is ready.

Put them somewhere visible

Choose your favorite success and motivation quotes from your list and write them on index cards. You can pin the index cards to your bulletin board, hang them on your refrigerator, or tape them to your bathroom mirror. The idea is to be constantly exposed to these quotes and the ideas they present.

share them

Do you have a friend or family member who is going through a difficult time? Share your list of success and motivation quotes with them to help inspire them. One way to enhance the list of quotes you’re about to share with your friend or loved one is to search for images online and add them to your document. That way, they’ll have something inspiring to look at when they’re feeling down.

You may even want to share your quotes on social media, like Twitter or Facebook. Many people enjoy reading the quotes that others find inspiring. Your dating list is very likely to help you gain new followers on your favorite social networking sites.

Add them to your email signature

By adding your favorite quotes to your email signature, you’ll be helping to inspire everyone you email. Also, what you choose to include in your email signature says a lot about you, and a quote about determination, hard work, and pursuing your dreams sends a positive message about you to others. People might even respond by sending you their favorite quotes.


Dust off your notebook full of motivational and success quotes, or start creating a list of these quotes if you don’t already have one, and use them in the three ways described above. Of course, an additional way to use your motivational and success quotes is when preparing a report or presentation. In fact, I’m sure you can find many other ways to use these quotes.

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