Nowadays, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is talked about so much that it has become an industry of its own. Still, 90% of webmasters don’t know how to achieve high search engine rankings. In this article, you’ll learn what 90% don’t know…

First of all, I would like to give a huge credit to Brad Callen, a man who taught me more than any other “guru” on the planet. He is so simple, and he is always to the point. you can visit their site at (note: as a sign of respect, I’m not even their affiliate, so if you buy SEO Elite, the software you must have for SEO to decimate your time invested, I won’t get a dime out of it) .

Back to the beginning.
What is really SEO – search engine optimization?

Well, in the previous articles you learned how to choose a domain name for your website, how to choose a web host, how to create your own website and what (profitable) topic your website should be about.
Now is the time for SEO.

SEO is simply tweaking your website to rank high in search engine results.

When you were a simple surfer, let’s say you were looking for “jokes”. What you probably didn’t know is that the first 10 websites in the results worked their asses off for such posts. Admit it, you didn’t even care. I just wanted to get relevant results for the keyword “jokes”. Newsflash, you got them.

That’s what search engines are for: providing relevant content to your users.

Now that you’re in the website development business, your goal is to land one of those top 10 positions.

Some people say it’s hard, I say it takes time. If you don’t know how to achieve high rankings, then it’s hard.

You will learn how to do it right here, in this article, only at :))).

Let’s start with the proven facts, why should you optimize your website for search engines like Google, Yahoo! and MSN (top 3)

  • Search engines are the best source of free, targeted traffic (you’ll learn what “targeted traffic” is in upcoming articles).
  • Search engines bring you more than 80% of your total traffic.
  • Without search engines, no one would be able to find your website that fast (or maybe not at all).
  • CONCLUSION: It is essential that your site is indexed by search engines

Yes, totally essential. Finally, let’s start kicking SE’s butt.

Factors that affect your ranking

As my mentor Brad would say, there are 2 factors that affect your search engine rankings:
On-Page Optimization Factors

  1. On-Page Optimization Factors
  2. Off-Page Optimization Factors

On-Page Optimization Factors

In general, for Google – less important, for Yahoo and MSN – quite important.

There is a phrase: “Content is king”, which is totally true.

On-page factors include how a website is built, and by that I don’t mean design. This is what really counts for search engines:

  • Using h1 header tags. Make all of your article and web page titles under h1 heading tags and place some of your main keywords below them. Search engines love that!
  • Use of alt image tags. If you have images on your website, be sure to describe them with alt tags. Also, put some of your keywords in them. Search engines love that!
  • Use ordered and unordered lists. They are more important than regular text, and will also help your visitors “scan” for information. Search engines love that!
  • Give more order and “readability” to your text. Don’t put everything in one place. Separate the text with paragraphs. Important keywords in bold and italics. “All-in-all”, make your visitors enjoy reading your content. Search engines love that!
  • Regularly update your website with new content. Your visitors will be very pleased to know that a new article on their favorite topic has come out (that’s why they are visiting your website…). It also pleases search engine spiders (crawlers) to see that your website is updated frequently. They will update your site more frequently in the index. Search engines love that!
  • Never, ever use “black hat” SEO. “Black hat” SEO is optimizing your website with things to fool search engines. Some examples of “black hat” SEO: 1. Title spamming. Place numerous of the same keywords in your tags. For example, <título> farts, farts, farts, farts, farts . 2. URL Cloaking. When someone redirects SE crawlers to a site fully optimized for them, but a regular user is redirected to a completely different website. 3. Use hidden text. This is one of the most common. Simply change the color of your text to the color of your background. Four.
    spam tags. Like
    . Keep in mind that search engines are evolving on a daily basis, so if you saw someone succeed with these types of tricks, your site will eventually get banned from search engines –> “Goodbye business”. Search engines hate that! Be honest and work hard, the results will come, I guarantee it.<br />

So much for on-page optimization factors. In general, you want to create a website that is easy to read, update often with new content, and not use gimmicks.

While these factors are important, they will not increase your website rank from 150000000000 to 1,2,3,4,5… and that’s what I learned from Brad Callen. Thanks…:)

It’s the off-page optimization factors that will drive tremendous results… read on.

2. Off-Page Optimization Factors

Very important on Yahoo and MSN, even more important on Google.

Off-page optimization factors are factors that your website is not directly involved in.

The rule of thumb here is: “Get other websites to link to yours!”

You see, search engines, especially Google, developed an algorithm that gives your website more importance if other websites link to it. very simple, it’s like elections. Whoever gets the most votes wins. So, start working on your links from other sites.

It can be a very long job, but you can really speed it up with software like Arelis or SEO Elite.

Here’s a trick I learned from Brad to exchange links with hundreds of relevant websites without having to look up their contact information and send emails with link exchange proposals:

Google (exactly): YOUR KEYWORD “please also suggest my link to the directory”
Simply replace YOUR KEYWORD with… well… your website’s main keyword, or even your category.

You can also visit a new website called They have an interesting concept for exchanging links. Personally, I use it.

The other thing I learned, and probably succeeded because of it, is ANCHOR TEXT.

The anchor text that points to your website from the other should always be the keywords you want to rank for high. So when you fill out link exchange forms, your link should look like this:

…characteristics of your website, advantages, special discounts…etc…

This is probably the most important factor that Google counts when ranking your website.
Note: If you have a quality site with unique content, other websites will start linking to you without link requests. This is also great, so make your content quality.

The third thing that is also very important is the Google pagerank of the site (page) that is linking to you. We will learn about Google Pagerank in the next article (…in about 2 days…).

If you liked the article, feel free to distribute it on your website, as long as all links remain intact. You should also place a small link to 🙂

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