Exceptional creativity is definitely a gold mine in the advertising industry, simply because you can develop truly valuable and catchy slogans in print or outdoor, radio or television ad campaigns.

Advertising is one of the most dynamic engines in the sales process worldwide; Regardless of the business, advertising campaigns should be developed, as long as the managers running these businesses are willing to stay on top or expand their company.

An advertising campaign is not about conveying information in a polite, formal way, something similar to a press release. On the contrary, the message must be attractive, clear, unique and revolutionary so that the audience can react positively. Since all traditional alternatives have been exhausted, advertisers have been somewhat forced to come up with surprising creative solutions, in order to overcome outdated advertising methods, or wisely and artistically reinvent previous concepts. For example, many advertisers speculated that consumers were fed up with long and annoying representations, which ended in extremely polite invitations to purchase a particular product. For this reason, they changed the strategy and managed to attract attention through suggestive commercials, less invasive concepts, which gave potential customers the opportunity to react to an interesting and innovative message. The stress lies with the consumer’s choice to respond to that message. To achieve relevant results, advertising patterns must match creative-driven ideas.

Since the earliest attempts at advertising, creativity has evolved following various cultural, social, and economic trends. Creativity in art differs from creativity in advertising simply because advertising is expected to have a different echo or impact, insofar as it must generate a particular behavior on a large scale. While art is a free manifestation, creativity in advertising is slightly restricted; more precisely, advertisers explore your creativity based on predefined factors to get a particular feedback. We could say that art and advertising have different purposes.

The quality of the message does not depend one hundred percent on the creative abilities of a single advertiser, the marketing departments are assigned to establish an audience and consequently point out the spheres of interest of the audience to generate a message.

Although being creative also means being unique, advertising is expected to immediately and temporarily appeal to various categories of consumers.

At this stage, creativity plays a crucial role because the more interest is aroused, the more targeted audiences will pay more attention to additional details and buy the advertised products or services.

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