Lice infestation is known as endemic. Throughout the world, many people suffer from this type of infestation. There are some who got rid of their lice easily while others have a hard time dealing with them. There is really nothing to consider if a person is infested with these lice. Aside from the irritation they can cause from scratching the scalp, there are no other bad conditions that they can cause. They are also not known as carriers of other infectious diseases. There are many head lice treatments that you can choose from and use to get rid of head lice. But first, make sure that proper diagnosis and analysis have been done before considering the use of treatments. So that you have a clearer idea about these treatments, here are some of them along with their descriptions.

Conventional method of treatment: These types of treatments are usually prescribed or purchased over the counter. They are often called commercial products or prescription drugs. Generally, these treatments are known as pediculicides. These treatments are also known to be insecticidal because they have chemical ingredients or contents. The most common chemical ingredient found in these treatments is permethrin. Most of the time, these commercial products are very effective at killing nymphs and adult lice. But, the problem is that they are not very effective against nits. Several studies have been done with permethrin and researchers have found that nits are becoming resistant to permethrin. That is the reason why most of these conventional treatments are sometimes not effective in TOTALLY getting rid of these lice. Apart from that, there are also certain limitations in the use of these types of treatments. For example, it is not recommended to use them in babies under 6 months, pregnant women or people who suffer from asthma.

Wet or manual combing treatment method: This treatment method is very effective and at the same time very economical. All you need is a nit comb, conditioner, and a lot of patience. This is done by applying conditioner to the hair and scalp, then combing through the hair with a fine nit comb. Remove all the lice that come along with the comb after each sweep.

Natural Treatment Methods – There are many natural treatments that you can use to get rid of these lice. It usually involves the use of oils and herbs to get rid of them. These treatments have proven to be very effective and do not produce side effects. They are also very cheap and easily available since some of the ingredients for these treatments are found in your kitchen or backyard.

These are just a few of the, albeit common, head lice treatments that you may want to use. There are still many treatments out there. What was mentioned above are just general treatments. For more information about these treatments, you can consult your doctor or search the Internet. Surely, you will find many sources regarding the best treatments.

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