Heartburn, medically referred to as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. Such acid reflux irritates the esophagus and one feels a burning sensation behind the chest. Although GERD is a chronic digestive disease, occasional heartburn can be considered a condition and not a disease if we understand its cause and therefore can treat heartburn naturally. Here are some things we can do to reduce and stop heartburn naturally:

When the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle responsible for holding stomach contents in place, begins to relax or leak, it causes heartburn. If we are careful not to allow the valve between the stomach and the esophagus to loosen, we can greatly prevent heartburn. Controlling how you eat is just as important as choosing the foods you eat. Overeating, eating frequently or irregularly, drinking less water, etc., can cause this problem despite maintaining healthy food choices.

  1. When we eat more than our stomach can bear, we increase the possibility that excess matter will move into the esophagus, thus causing the burning sensation. Similarly, when we don’t eat for a long time letting heartburn build up and then packing the food in our stomach, it can allow the acid to be pumped into the esophagus. In such cases, it is advisable to drink some water to calm the acid fury in the stomach before eating anything. But more importantly, one should avoid odd intervals of eating and overeating.
  1. Weight gain also increases the chance of heartburn as it slows down the movement of food in the digestive system and puts pressure on the abdomen. Taking weight control measures can provide a general solution to the problem of heartburn. Eating a balanced diet at regular intervals and exercising that helps digest food not only helps reduce weight and thus triggers heartburn, but also leads to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Lying down immediately after a heavy meal can also lead to heartburn. Let food settle and go to bed at least 1/2 hour after eating. If heartburn persists, sleeping with your head in an elevated position will also help.
  1. The chances of heartburn are higher during pregnancy, as the uterus puts more pressure on the stomach and esophagus. The hormone also slows down digestion and thus causes the flow of acid into the esophagus. To avoid heartburn during pregnancy, the amount of food should be reduced and covered by increasing the frequency. Tea / coffee, fried and spicy foods should also be avoided or reduced. Although citrus food is good during pregnancy, but if it causes heartburn, it can be diluted or added with sugar to prevent heartburn.
  1. Smoking and alcohol consumption also cause heartburn. Heavy alcohol use relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing acid to leak into the esophagus.
  1. Age weakens the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle. In such a case, it will be helpful to be careful to choose the right foods and eat at regular intervals. Since the digestive system would also be less active, it is important to maintain a balanced diet.
  1. Avoiding certain foods that cause heartburn helps stop heartburn. Consuming too much spicy and fried foods, tea or coffee, or citrus fruits, and even chocolate can lead to acid reflux. You just need to control the acid content that builds up in your stomach so that it doesn’t explode against the lower esophageal sphincter and leave you with heartburn and a grimace.

If heartburn is permanent, the liver may be affected. You have to seek medical help and take care of the liver.

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