eye spots
One of the most common eye problems in dogs is eye spots. The spots appear under a dog’s eyes and are usually brown or reddish in color. They are particularly noticeable in dogs with white or light colored fur and seem to be more prevalent in small breed and toy dogs.

These eye spots are caused by tears that overflow the eye and fall under the eyelid. The bacteria change the tear stain to brown or red. Dogs produce tears all the time to keep their eyes lubricated. Normally, these tears drain through the tear duct into the dog’s nose. However, if the tear duct is blocked, tears will spill out from under the eyelid. Dogs that have protruding eyes may have blocked tear ducts. Some dogs have blocked tear ducts if they have hair growing near their eyes. You may be able to reduce the clogging problem by keeping the hair around your eyes trimmed.

There are some products you can use to clean stains on a daily basis and kill bacteria. If your dog has spots under his eyes, you should clean his face regularly to prevent bacteria from growing.

eye infections
Dogs can get eye infections just like you. A common type of infection they can get is conjunctivitis. The symptoms of conjunctivitis are redness around the eye along with a yellow or green discharge. If you notice these symptoms, you should take your dog to the vet to have his eye checked. Your vet will probably give you an antibiotic ointment to treat the eye.

protecting the eyes
There are several ways to protect your dog’s eyes. If your dog’s hair regularly gets into his eyes and scratches the cornea, you’ll need to keep the hair around the eyes trimmed. You can use a pair of blunt-tipped scissors for this job. You don’t have to cut all the hair around the face. Many breeds have fur around their faces to protect the face from scratches if they go through a brush or for other reasons. There is a logical reason why they need hair around the face. You only need to trim the hair around the eyes.

You should never allow your dog to stick his head out of the car window when you are driving, no matter how much he enjoys it. Dogs can get stones, bugs, and other debris in their eyes when they stick their heads out the window. They can be seriously injured this way.

When you’re washing and bathing your dog, it’s a good idea to put a drop or two of mineral oil in your dog’s eyes before you begin. This will protect your eyes from shampoo and conditioner that can sting and burn your eyes.

You can also put a drop of mineral oil or ophthalmic ointment in your dog’s eyes before putting on any flea or tick products to keep his eyes from itching.

Daily care
You should check your dog’s eyes every day and remove mucus and grit that collects in the corners of the eyes. Make sure the eyes look healthy and bright and there is no unusual discharge. Wipe away any tear stains that have built up under your eyes.

If you protect your dog’s eyes and check them daily, your dog should have healthy and beautiful eyes for a lifetime

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