This is the perfect game for the next hot summer day…and the next cold winter day! Wait… a game for both winter and summer… is that right? Yes, ‘Wet Launch’ can adapt no matter what the weather is outside, and it’s an extremely fun game no matter when you play. Although it is only one of the many fun summer/winter games, it is one of the most enjoyed by children, youth and adults, whether in summer or winter!


# of players: 4 or more

Necessary objects: Water balloons, buckets (or snow)

To start, divide everyone playing into pairs: one person from each pair will be the pitcher, and the other will be capture. Then, form a throw line where the pitchers of each pair will pull; and about 40-50 feet apart, each pair will have their own 10×10 foot area (box) where the catch will go in (These 10×10 foot boxes will be next to each other in a horizontal row parallel to the throwing line, with approximately 5-10 feet between each 10×10 box.) Tea receivers each will stand on their respective box with a bucket, and the pitchers therefore, it will extend along the pitching line directly in front of its partner’s box. Then fill about 100 water balloons in preparation, and each throw You will start with 5 water balloons each.

Each launcher will get 5 launches, and will launch the water balloons at their catch in the frame. Tea catch You are trying to catch the water balloons in the bucket and keep as much water as possible in the bucket. Nevertheless, receivers cannot get out of the box when trying to catch a balloon; therefore, if a bad throw would cause the catch to get out of the box, it doesn’t count if the catch you have to get out of the box to catch it. After the 5 throws, each pair will change places and the new throw He will also throw 5 water balloons at his partner. Then after those 5 tosses, each team will empty their bucket of water into a different team bucket (simply to hold water between tosses). Players will then switch roles again and start another round doing the same thing. The pair that has the most water in their team bucket after each player has tossed 3 times is the winner (use a ruler or yard stick to measure the water)!

VARIATION: To play this fun game in winter, instead of using water balloons, simply use snowballs and try to be the team that collects the most snow in your team’s bucket!

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