Fashion blogging can be a daunting field to start with. I recommend selecting a niche topic to help define the direction of your blog. For example, instead of a blog about fashion accessories, consider a more focused topic, like funky rings or designer sunglasses. Choose something that you are passionate about. You have to love the theme or you will run out of inspiration.

Tip:There are already thousands of fashion blogs, but don’t be discouraged. The best approach is to produce a blog from your point of view, a blog that only YOU can create. The best blogs have a strong voice and unique content. Be sure to add your touch to the theme you choose. This will make your blog stand out from others and will also drive more traffic to your site.

If you don’t know what direction to take with your fashion blog, here are some categories to consider:

Street fashion

  • This is a great way to document and share your local fashion scene with the world. Street fashion bloggers are becoming increasingly influential as high-end designers turn to the streets for runway inspiration.

celebrity fashion

  • If you follow celebrity culture and love watching award shows to see what people are wearing, maybe celebrity fashion blogs are for you. The upside to starting a celebrity fashion blog is that there is a lot of material to work with – an entire industry dedicated to celebrity photos. The downside is that this market is saturated, so you need to make sure your blog is unique in order to get noticed.

high end fashion

  • If you want to use your blog as a platform to start a career in the fashion industry (fashion publishing, in particular), you may want your content to focus on high-end designers and brands. Celebrate the art of Oscar de la Renta, Alexander McQueen and Karl Lagerfeld with seasonal runway posts.


  • There are so many subgenres for this category. Pick something you really connect with. Search the web for accessories that are unique and share them through your posts. Maybe you could work with a partner and take a more conversational approach so your blog is more about two friends chatting about interesting finds.


  • As with the accessories category, there are many paths to take a shoe blog. Once again, choose what works for you. If you are an expert in shoe shopping and know the best places to buy shoes online, share it with the world.

Shopping/Style Guide

  • Do you love putting together looks? Share your work on your blog. This can be fun and creatively satisfying. Polyvore is a great resource suitable for a shopping blog or style guide.


  • The survival of the fashion industry depends on its accelerated cycles. Start a fashion blog about trends: what’s hot now and what will be hot in the future. Maybe you want a nostalgic blog about your favorite trends from the past. Scrunchies anyone?

fashion on a budget

  • There are already many blogs dedicated to fashion on a budget and they are great for targeting a young and frugal audience. Producing the content will likely require a lot of digging around the web for great deals and unique finds, so be prepared to do some research.

Personal style

  • Maybe you want an outlet to express your personal style. Start a fashion blog about the awesomeness of how you dress, share photos and post wish items.

night life style

  • You could approach this category with seriousness or irreverence: think dedicated to the cast of Jersey Shore. If you’re a hardcore clubber who parties every weekend and is always looking for the perfect body-hugging top, skirt or dress… fun theme for you.

vintage fashion

  • Pick a decade and have fun with it! Find some awesome old photos, movie clips, movie posters, etc. Showcase and celebrate the awesomeness of vintage fashion.

Alternative, Gothic, Scene, etc.

  • A blog is a great way to showcase alternative fashion. If you have a unique take on a certain social scene, share what you think is great about it. Alternative fashion blogs can also foster a strong online community, drawing readers back to your site on a regular basis.


  • If you are a designer I think a blog is a great idea. You can post images of your work, it can act as a portfolio site, and you can share your experiences with other designers.

fashion tips

  • If your friends come to you for tips on what to wear, consider becoming an online fashion authority and start your own fashion advice blog. Write posts that provide dressing tips (eg, how to dress for a job interview) and answer your readers’ fashion questions.

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