Do you yearn for a beautiful and crystal clear voice? This simple technique will show you how to bring your voice forward and out of your throat, giving you that sweet, clear singing voice you want.

Nasal voice placement

Before we start, I want to say that this is just an exercise, to help you control the direction of your voice, and is not meant to be a way for people to sing in public!

Surely as a child, just to be silly, you put your voice in your nose. Maybe you pretended you were a monkey. Perhaps if you speak French, you can easily produce a nasal sound.

So that’s where we want to start, making an “E” sound as nasally as you can. It can feel fun and sound fun. Most of my students laugh a lot when we do this exercise and we have a lot of fun. So, just have fun with it.

Practice singing a few notes to the “E” vowel using your nasal placement, remembering that this is just an exercise. By placing your voice in her nose, you have actually directed her voice and have a “handle” so to speak. And that is my purpose. Practice this for a while until it becomes easy for you.

Next, place your index finger on your nose, near the bridge, while singing your nasal “E.” Feel the vibration in your nose. Now move your index finger to your front lip, just above your teeth at the gum line. You probably won’t feel vibrations there. The vibration shows you where you have placed your voice.

Follow your finger with your voice

Sing a long nasal “E”, as you do, drag your finger from the bridge of the nose, along the tip to the point just above the teeth, where we were before. Imagine that the voice follows the finger. Use your imagination and really focus on that finger.

You may need to do this several times before you start to feel a vibration where your finger stops. The vibration will tell you that you are successful. Not only that, but you’ll hear the voice change from nasal to forward only. If you have been singing with your throat, the front will sound clearer and sharper, while the throat sound is thicker and fuzzier.

This will take some practice to fully master, but you will start to see results very soon. You’ll come to know when your voice is at the forefront, and that’s half the battle. The more you practice, the easier it will be.

Reading aloud is good. And if you can build this habit of using your voice forward, as you speak, it will become a habit much faster and much easier. After all, you speak more often than you sing, so think of all the practice you’ll get.

So whether you’re a veteran singer or just learning to sing, if you want to sing later and have a clearer voice, you can certainly do it. This little exercise is a real gem.

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