You’ve thought about it, haven’t you? How would it be? Could? Could? I could get into such a big mess… but that’s part of what makes it so exciting; the fact that he is so naughty. I’d like to try it…just once, okay, maybe twice!

Well, if these are some of the thoughts you have had, you are going to learn in this article how to make sex work for you in business. Getting promoted, closing the deal, and getting that raise are some of the benefits you’ll get from your sexual progress. That’s right, the more effective you are at communicating and building relationships with members of the opposite sex, the more successful you will be in your career. (What did you think she was talking about?)

Every day you work with the men and women in your office, such as your vendors, vendors, customers, bosses, and teammates. Do we work well together? Yes and no. We all step on each other’s heels by saying things we shouldn’t. However, it is a bigger problem between men and women. Why? Because, at the most basic level, at the molecular level, we are different. We have different views of the world and therefore different ways of approaching problems and solutions. This is not a bad thing…in fact, it is a good thing; If we know how to take advantage of it. The problem is that men don’t know how women think and women don’t know how men think. By being on different pages of communication and thought processes, we end up losing sales, losing deals, not getting the promotion we wanted, or simply not building as strong and effective a team as we should be.

sex fit
To adapt… to get along with “them” more effectively we have to start with the basics.
Men: Understand that women are not men, nor should they be. It’s not up to them to accommodate your rude or rude behavior. Be courteous, be respectful, be on your best behavior. What is fun and not offensive to us can be very insulting to women.

Women: Please be brief and to the point. Men, that’s fine, most men like to talk in bullet points, not paragraphs, and they don’t need all the editorials. Tell us the facts in a logical way, and then let us ask you the questions we need if we think we want more information. Remember Mr. Spock in the original Star Trek television series? Nope? Okay, maybe you’re a little young for that. Please YouTube Mr. Spock and watch it. This is how we think. Correction, this is how we like to think, think and communicate. The reality is that we are not so smart and logical, but we think we are. Please indulge us.

Men: They are not a tool in your belt, they are actually people with feelings. Friends, I know that in business you are trying to be very efficient and effective. This is wonderful for you and perhaps your Mr. Spock counterparts, but most women never heard of Star Trek or hated it when it was on. Build the relationship with the women you interact with in business. Don’t look at them as a tool: a means to an end. Men do that to each other all the time, and we don’t even think about it. In fact, many of us prefer it. Women don’t. Take the time to get to know them. Yes, that means about your kids, pets, interests, and favorite color sweater. Okay, I’m getting carried away with the sweater, but you get the point.

Women: We are simple creatures. Please give us the agenda in advance when we talk. Do you remember KISS? (Keep It Simple Stupid) Well that’s the best way to communicate with men. Our high testosterone and ADHD attention span means we need to know the purpose of our conversation before we can fit two sentences into it. Give me a reason to want to not just talk to you but KEEP talking to you. Describe the purpose of the conversation we are about to have and it will keep me focused and dialed in for you and all you have to stay.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating the other guy’s problems. Then again, maybe I’m not. The key to remember is to adapt. Respect for our sexual counterparts means being aware that we think and process information differently. The more we take this into account and act accordingly, the better we will all get along.

I have to go now and have a talk with my wife. Oh! Let me reread what I just wrote.

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