Many people struggle through life, and have a difficult time manifesting almost everything they want.

Some people realize that to have a great life, they must work at least as much on themselves as they do “out there” in the world.

As successful as even that understanding may bring, even fewer people realize that only by clearing the energy blocks deep within one’s mind, emotions, body, and spirit will true freedom and true freedom be attained. abundance.

When I say “Removing energy blockages”, what do I mean?

I’m talking about working with prayer, contemplation, spiritual reading, chanting, meditation, Reiki, sacred dance, breathing, acupuncture, and other energy techniques that help us to free ourselves more completely from our self-imposed restrictions and to open ourselves up. more completely. the limitless capacities that we really have when we are in a clear and connected relationship with the Pure Spirit.

Clearing energy blocks doesn’t even have to be a “technique” or something that costs money to learn.

In this short article, I want to give you some real tools that you can use right now to clear the energy blocks within yourself, so that you can feel the gentle release that occurs when you let go of the energy struggle and open up to a more connected relationship. to the life.

To a clairvoyant, energy blocks are often seen as distortions or as dark and heavy parts of a person’s energy field. These blocks can result from many things: physical tension or illness, unprocessed / unexpressed emotions, constant mental “chatter”, spiritual / karmic blocks, beliefs that we have acquired from our parents / society, etc.

By simply calling our attention to clearing these energy blocks, we can often have amazing results and begin to feel lighter and better almost immediately.

We can also invoke the power of angels to help us in this process.

Experiential process:

In order for you to really experience what I mean, I’d like you to come to a quiet, centered place and just take several slow, deep breaths.

Direct your attention to the center of your heart as you breathe and repeat the following words out loud or in your mind: “Angels, my own Higher Self, my spirit guides and teams, and all loving angels in the clearing, I ask you to be here. . with me now. “

Notice if you feel a change, a change, in the way the space around you feels. You may simply “feel” that there are presences with you now; Somehow I may feel a little more love However, if you don’t feel anything so far, don’t worry.

At this point, I want you to make this request: “All beings with me, I am ready and willing to be more truly myself. I want to wake up and be released from this heaviness, this anger, this sadness and any other energies that I don’t even know. I can be aware in this moment, that they keep me stuck and disconnected from manifesting my desires. I really want to be a more conscious, clear and connected channel for Spirit to do His work through me. Please cleanse me completely and cleanse me now , and help me remove energy blocks. “

Now breathe in and allow the angels and Spirit to do their work.

This may be a good time to go to sleep or lie down for a short time, as being still can make you feel more receptive to the movement of the angels.

You may want to end with the following request: “Spirit and angels, thank you so much for your healing and cleansing work! I love that you are helping me clear the energy blockages. Please now fill in the spaces you have left open. for your cleansing work with love, light, healing and new inspiration. Channel me now everything I need for my highest expansion and highest good. Thank you and Amen! “

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