As you know, the Internet and social networks have become revolutionary elements for the Real Estate industry.

Facebook… WordPress… Twitter… Zillow… Trulia… RealEstateABC… these were all virtually unknown a few years ago, and now they are (or should be) a key part of your marketing plan.

But amidst all this ferment, traditional (dare we say “old school”) ways still hold tremendous value. Cultivating a carefully selected neighborhood remains a key strategy for success.

A winning marketing and branding strategy includes both online and offline components. And the use of online techniques to cultivate the chosen neighborhood combines the best of the old and the new!

Building your brand with Facebook

According to Postling research, nearly 80% of real estate professionals use Facebook to market their business. It’s free, easy, and efficient, and offers opportunities to grow and cultivate a strong community of potential customers. When it comes to cultivating your neighborhoods, your Facebook page can familiarize potential buyers with your target neighborhood and build relationships with current residents (aka future sellers).

Building your brand with WordPress

Use your blog to set yourself apart from the competition and become known as an authority on your topic and your neighborhoods. Many real estate experts recommend that you don’t make listings the main focus of your blog. Your posts should be community focused, with real estate marketing done in a low-key way. The goal is to showcase your expertise in the area and build a relationship with your audience. Start the conversation!

The rise of local coupons

Another hot trend on the internet is the increasing use of local coupons to deliver deals from neighborhood merchants to your surrounding areas. Smart merchants are partnering with Internet-based startups like GroupOn, Amazon, as well as traditional providers like Money Mailer and ValPak, to drive business with carefully crafted online offers.

Of course, these big companies aren’t for everyone, but they’ve pushed the marketing of local coupons over the Internet in public view.

Everyone is familiar with it now!

Combining the old and the new

A great way to build credibility with your target neighborhood is to show that you see them as more than just a source of listings and sales.

And a great way to do that is to offer something of value outside of real estate facts and figures. Let’s face it, until they start thinking about buying or selling, most people only take a dim look at fluctuations in interest rates, the number of foreclosures in their neighborhood, etc.

Although that is valuable information, it is relatively easy to buy. Therefore everyone is offering it. So it doesn’t do much to make you stand out from your competitors.

Instead of settling for “me too,” here’s a new strategy:

Show your value… by negotiating special discount deals with local merchants and offering them to new and future residents of your neighborhood farms.

Offering money-saving coupons from local businesses shows current and future residents of your target neighborhood that you really care about them.

You’ll also build allies among local merchants by helping them win more business and introducing your products and services to new and existing neighborhood residents.

Combining the three elements discussed above (Facebook, Blogging, and local coupon marketing) gives you a powerful new strategy to build your brand, gain allies among local business owners, and discreetly increase your credibility with potential buyers and sellers. .

Your Strategy Outline

Here is your step-by-step action plan:

1) Based on your extensive knowledge of the neighborhood, make a diverse list of local merchants that you believe serve a cross-section of the neighborhood. Do this for each farm you are heading to.

2) Contact each business on your list and offer them a free discount coupon with the offer they want, which you will promote for free to help them in their business.

3) For each merchant, take a few minutes to create a coupon online (preferably using the CreateYourCoupon system) and add it to your coupon page.

4) Post your coupon page on your blog and on custom Facebook pages, one dedicated to each of your farms.

5) Also, advertise your discount coupon service over time as part of your normal marketing activities.

The result? He’ll build a reputation as an expert in the field: a real estate specialist who cares about the neighborhoods he’s cultivating, beyond simply selling homes.

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