If you have reactive hypoglycemia, you know the frustrations that can come along with the problem. Especially if you were recently diagnosed.

I remember when I started having problems, I had no idea what was going on, and neither did the doctors! All I knew was that my life had drastically changed for the worse and I wanted my old life back. I wanted to get back to working out hard, practicing martial arts, feeling stable, and most importantly knowing what I could eat!

By the way, since I just mentioned doctors, let me go ahead and say that I am not a doctor. So there’s your disclaimer. However, I am someone with Reactive Hypoglycemia, or Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome in my case. Idiopathic postprandial syndrome is basically reactive hypoglycemia and all its unpleasant symptoms without “low glucose” as defined by the medical community. The good news is that I have my condition under control; And I didn’t do it with the help of a doctor or any medication! I did it simply with the diet…and I learned this diet after a lot of research, keeping food diaries, talking to nutritionists, personal trainers, bodybuilders (yes, bodybuilders too!) and experimenting…on myself! (Oh!)

You probably already know what causes reactive hypoglycemia, but if you don’t, let me go ahead and tell you what’s going on. Now get ready, my little definition here might not be as eloquent as your doctor’s! Basically though, when you eat carbohydrates, your body produces too much insulin 1-3 hours after eating (it can vary). So what happens is your blood sugar (glucose levels) drops and you have the condition known as “hypoglycemia,” or low glucose/low blood sugar. This is what makes you feel dizzy, weak, have “shakiness”, etc.

Now, the root cause of reactive hypoglycemia is that your blood sugar goes up because of the sugar you eat, and then your body is flooded with insulin… too much. So the key is to eat foods that are low on the glycemic index, or in other words, don’t spike your blood sugar.

Eating foods that don’t spike your blood sugar or foods that have a low glycemic index means cutting out all simple sugars, simple carbohydrates, some of your fruits, starchy carbohydrates, refined foods, and soft drinks. Also, you may want to limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine, as these can lower your blood sugar.

Some examples of foods to avoid are sweets, white potatoes, pasta, rice, cereals, and watermelon. The diet you need and must follow to beat reactive hypoglycemia is high in fat (yes! Fat!), protein, fiber, and low in complex carbohydrates. Also be sure to take a very good multivitamin and omega fish oil.

So why fat? Well, the order of what your body burns for energy is as follows: carbohydrates, fats, and then protein. So if you cut out carbs, you’ll need to get your energy from the next energy source in line, fat!

Since you eat your small amounts of complex carbohydrates like raw oatmeal and small amounts of sweet potatoes with skin (fiber), you want to make sure you eat them with butter and/or coconut oil. This will slow your body’s absorption so your sugar doesn’t spike.

So what other foods can you eat? Eggs, bacon, peanut butter, almonds, dry roasted peanuts, small amounts of berries, heavy cream, cheeses, sugar-free gelatin, coconut oil, and spinach to name a few.

Going from a high-carb diet to a very low-carb diet can be a big change. Making the switch initially can and will tire you out, but your body will adapt and start burning fat for energy. You’ll notice that it leans up, doesn’t feel bloated, and feels better overall.

Again, I’m not a doctor, so always check with your doctor before starting a new diet. However, I believe that what I have learned through my experience is good information and may help you if you suffer from reactive hypoglycemia or idiopathic postprandial syndrome.

You may want to do some more research on the low carb diet or visit my website before starting your diet. If you’re physically active and/or exercise a lot, here are things to consider before starting a low-carb diet. Stay focused and be patient, you’ll feel better in no time!

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