Once you have tonsils or tonsil stones, it can be challenging to remove them. To begin with, the best course of action is to prevent tonsil stones. While no method of preventing them is 100% successful, here are 5 tips that will increase the chances that nasty imps won’t visit you.

It is interesting that the stones affect a wide variety of people. Some people who appear to have poor oral hygiene rarely experience the problem.

Still others who are diligent about oral care have a constant battle to prevent them.

However, these suggestions should benefit the vast majority of people who want to prevent this nasty problem.

1) If you are prone to postnasal drip, definitely use a good antihistamine to dry out your sinus cavities. People who suffer from chronic postnasal drip are MUCH more prone to developing tonsillitis.

This occurs because the stones are partially made up of mucus.

2) If you have a chronic history of tonsil infections, talk to your doctor about having your tonsils removed. Removing them will eliminate a breeding ground for bacteria.

3) Watch the types of liquids you consume. Ideally, people prone to tonsilloliths should drink nothing but water. Alcoholic beverages tend to dry out the mouth, and sugary soft drinks contribute to stone formation.

4) Stay away from dairy products. They have mucus-causing agents, as well as calcium, which help in the creation of tonsilloliths.

5) Brush your teeth and gargle, after EVERY meal. Brushing your teeth and tongue, as well as gargling, prevents food particles from getting stuck on your tonsils and gums. This reduces the amount of bacteria that can grow in the throat and mouth.

As mentioned above, it is impossible to totally prevent tonsil stones. However, by following the tips just outlined, you have a good chance of minimizing your breakouts.

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