You’re getting tired of endlessly changing those diapers, aren’t you? Let me tell you: it can be great to figure out ways to graduate your child from diapers to underwear. However, when it comes to potty training a child, timing is very important. If you must start when your child(ren) is/are not ready, it will simply take longer. On the other hand, if he misses a good opportunity, your little one may fight the methods more when he tries at a later time. So how exactly do you know when to start? Here are some quick tips to help you in those endeavors.

For starters, put aside exactly what your mother previously shared with you about potty training as soon as you were eighteen months old. It’s very likely that she herself has only practiced potty parking in basic time intervals, which is not equivalent to full potty training. It really is more beneficial to not even think about potty training until your little one is around 2 years old. Honestly, for most boys and girls, the best period is likely to come sometime between the second and second. Third year. A large number of children last up to three and a half years!

When your son or daughter is ready to begin the potty training process, he or she is likely to show interest. He or she will choose to study your bathroom practices and may ask you questions. Put in plain language how big people go to the bathroom instead of wearing a diaper. Even though it makes you feel a little self-conscious, make it easy for your child to go to the bathroom with you and watch. For people with a son, make sure daddy takes him into the bathroom with him too. Dad might balk at this, although I’m really not sure why, since public toilets make public peeing commonplace for a common man! There are some great story books to be found on potty training that you can start reading to your son or daughter right now, to help foster an interest in potty training. One can find potty training books exclusively designed for boys and ones designed for girls, which are suitable and practical.

Another excellent sign that your child is ready to go to the bathroom is his ability to lower and raise his pants or skirts on his own. If your child has learned this step of dressing and undressing, potty training will go much easier.

Another significant physical clue to potty trainability is how often your toddler urinates. If he or she is still wetting his or her diaper every half hour or so, he or she is in no condition to be ready. On the other hand, if they go an hour or two between wet diapers, then he or she has the ability to avoid urination, and that’s very important to genuine potty training, at any age.

If you think your child is ready for potty training, check out my potty training book review site ‘’ where I review some potty training tools and methods intended to help make this developmental hurdle as easy as possible for you as the child.

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