What is your passion? Is it music, art, theater, movies, sports, helping others, giving back to the community? Almost everyone has something they are passionate about! It’s that thing that makes them feel like they have a purpose. For me it’s definitely music!

I have been involved in music since I was a child. I learned piano at a very young age and continued with the choir in high school. It has always been something I turn to when I need to relax or unwind. Music helps me feel like I’m accomplishing something because I can reach others with music in a way that touches their hearts. There is something about pouring your heart out into a song that touches others and is so powerful to me! Encourage others to make positive changes in their lives too! It’s such an incredibly powerful thing!

As a musician, I love seeing young aspiring musicians perform. I love seeing the joy in their eyes when they master a new skill or song. It gives them something to be proud of. It makes me a little sad that schools have removed music and arts from the curriculum as part of the budget process. I would love to see more performing arts centers helping young students develop their musical skills if a music program is not available to them through their school curriculum.

Have you ever dreamed of doing something like this? Helping others achieve something positive and make a difference is the most powerful thing we can do! Did you know that you can establish a charitable foundation with the proceeds from your life insurance policy to do just that? By paying the small premium for a life insurance policy, you can establish your charity as the beneficiary. The charity can then use the life insurance proceeds to construct a building in your name. A building that helps young lives achieve things they are proud of. Think of the number of lives that could be positively affected if you established something like this in your community! The possibilities are endless! Whether it’s music, art, theater, sports, helping others, giving back to the community… imagine the possibilities! What would be your legacy? How many lives could you impact by doing something like this? How many little children would be able to discover its purpose?

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