Identification of poodle aggression.

There are a number of behaviors that an aggressive poodle will display. Watch out for things like biting and lunging at other dogs. You could see your dog harassing other dogs by barking and pushing them. He may cringe and become nervous or irritable when other dogs come near, then bark or show his teeth. Initially, she may seem shy and play around a bit, but if she steps out of her comfort zone, she will become grumpy and possibly nervous. Poodle Aggression: How To Treat It? Poodle socialization is the key to preventing any aggressive behavior. Do this as young as possible. You may have an adult poodle, don’t worry if you do. Don’t believe the myth of old dogs and new tricks.

All dogs are capable of learning and unlearning. Poodle aggression can be avoided with puppy preschool, which is a great place to start. You can take your poodle there, as they accept participants six months and younger. When he’s there, it’s a great place for him to socialize with other dogs and people and communicate well. This is a great way to stop any fear-based shyness that leads to aggression. To prevent poodle aggression, from a young age always invite friendly dogs to play. Don’t throw them all together. Your poodle will feel more comfortable around you and is less likely to be irritable. You may need to separate them if things progress, so stay close and keep an eye out. It’s a good idea to walk your poodle regularly to places where there are a lot of dogs.

Poodles are too smart to be cooped up in the backyard all day. Poodles are very family oriented, so let her be as much of your daily activities as possible. Walk around the neighborhood, take her to the beach, walk around town, these are all sounds and sights of normal life. Too much too soon is also not good. For a puppy or adult poodle, it’s important to gradually incorporate sounds and sights into a positive, controlled environment. Bad experiences for poodles can be quite damaging due to their sensitive nature. Poodles need a lot of exercise. Poodles need a lot of exercise and if they are not using it, poodle aggression can be attributed to this. If you wear him out with exercise, your poodle will be happy and less likely to want to be aggressive with other dogs. Protecting their territory is another reason for poodle aggression. It will feel threatened if other dogs can access the property.

With poodles that have a lot of energy, make sure you are completely fenced. An ideal fence is one through which she cannot see. If he has shown problems in the past, then a fence he can see through is not helpful in creating a calm and relaxed poodle. You may want to consider having your poodle neutered if he is a male. The aggression hormone called testosterone in a male dog is activated around 6 months.

Having him neutered will solve the problem for two reasons: 1. He will be less likely to fit in. 2. You will no longer smell like a male to other dogs and therefore they will not perceive you as a threat. Be aware of what’s going on and if you think the situation is getting a little dangerous, it probably is.

Remember that you can always ask for professional help if you have tried all avenues and nothing works for you. Or you could sign up for a dog socialization class for adult dogs. Poodles are usually very social, polite and happy with other animals. These are just behaviors that can be changed, so if your poodle is having a problem, remember that with a little input from you, your poodle will be just as socialized as the next dog.

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