Whether 2010 was good or bad, it’s over and 2011 is here with a bang. It’s time to dust off those old New Year’s resolutions and review them one more time, right? Wrong. Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So why repeat the same resolutions again only to get disappointed and frustrated? Let’s try a different approach.

First, let’s consider what kinds of resolutions we can make and which ones best fit our lifestyle this year. Typically, most people try to make decisions based on vague goals like “lose weight” or “eat better.” These are not goals, but should be viewed as the positive results of achieving specific task-oriented goals. Tasks sound like chores and therefore don’t sound fun, but we can choose fun tasks that will keep us motivated for months and even years.

There are two types of task-oriented goals that make sense: general lifestyle changes and single goals. A general lifestyle change, for example, would be walking 30 minutes, 3 days a week. To successfully make a lifestyle change, it takes about 90 days of consistent, conscious effort for it to stick where it becomes an unconscious habit that becomes part of a new and better lifestyle.

One-time goals are usually never considered, but they can be a lot of fun and stress reliever, and if not, they can still motivate you to accomplish more goals when you’re done. An example would be reading a book that you have wanted to read. Once the book is read, its resolution is complete. This is much less stressful than deciding to “read more books” this year and doing nothing. So when considering resolutions for this year, be sure to first decide on lifestyle changes, unique goals, or a combination of both. Now, let’s consider some ideas to get the creativity flowing.

Resolutions for eating and drinking

  • drink less soft drinks – This is definitely a lifestyle resolution worth pursuing. Soft drinks have zero nutrients and therefore no health benefits. They are empty calories that increase insulin levels, eat away at bones and add fat to the body. The best way to start is to track how many soft drinks (regular, diet, alcoholic, or otherwise) you drink each day for a week. Then resolve to drink one less can each day for the next week, and repeat each week until you get to less than one can per day on average.
  • drink more water – This is another lifestyle resolution that can literally change your life. Adequate water intake is needed for every cell in the body and can eliminate nagging pains. Track how many 8-ounce glasses of water you drink each day for a week, and then increase the number by one glass per day until you are at one glass for every 15 pounds you weigh (for example, 10 8-ounce glasses if you weigh 150 pounds).
  • Food intake tracking – Sometimes it’s more important to know where you are than trying to figure out where to go. Most people think they eat well until they keep a food diary for a week. Record everything that passes your lips each day for a full week, as well as the time of day. Sharing this information with a nutritionist, chiropractor, or naturopath can help you understand when and what to eat.

mess resolutions

  • Unclutter a box or pile – An excellent one-time resolution to chase at the beginning of the year. Don’t be disappointed if not much is thrown away. The organization that emerges from this activity is a great victory in itself. Going through multiple piles will eventually lead to keeping similar items in the same place, such as sports equipment, clothing, souvenirs, etc. However, be careful. Victory often leads to cleaning and organizing tips that can last for months.
  • Mess up an account online – Another excellent single resolution that most people don’t consider. As the years go by, we accumulate more electronic junk, often in the form of information stored in various online accounts. This is a great opportunity to choose an account such as Facebook, email, or contacts, and review it carefully, removing or updating old information or files. Deleting or deactivating unused accounts is another great resolution and can reduce the risk of your online presence being hacked or abused. This is also a good opportunity to update your passwords for the same reasons.

Health Resolutions

  • get checked – A wonderful one-time resolution is to pick a type of doctor you haven’t been to in a while or never been to and ask them to review and guide you in achieving your health resolutions. Going to a doctor for an annual physical or a dentist or eye doctor for a checkup can prevent major health problems down the road and save you money in the long run. Also consider a spinal and nervous system checkup with a chiropractor or a nutritional checkup with a naturopath.
  • get tested – Other great one-time resolutions include getting specific preventative tests at appropriate times, such as a Pap smear, mammogram ultrasound, or bone density test. Other tests that should be done for your peace of mind are tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), nutrient and vitamin tests, allergy tests or a spinal examination. These tests are often doctor-recommended anyway, but they’re worth knowing about. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own body.
  • Get a massage – A great single resolution that can definitely relieve stress and have health benefits is to pamper yourself. Find a good massage therapist who is trustworthy and works in a clean and professional establishment. Choose the gender that is most comfortable for you and schedule an appointment for a great experience.

Resolutions can and should be fun, stress-relieving, motivating, and ultimately doable. There is no point in having a resolution that does not lead to any follow-up, as this only creates more stress and disappointment. In 2011, choose your resolutions wisely, and remember to also decide to have more fun and smile more this year.

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