In Why They Buy: Cracking the Personality Code to Achieve Record Sales and Real Wealth, entrepreneur Cheri Tree reveals her innovative system that will help any salesperson connect with their prospects in a way that will seal the deal and create a win-win situation for everyone. they win. situations for everyone.

Being in sales is one of the hardest jobs out there, but the truth is, we are all in sales. If we’re not trying to sell a product to our customers, we’re trying to sell our kids to eat their vegetables or our employer to give us a raise. Every day we are faced with situations where we need to “sell” (promote our agenda or point of view), and we can achieve more success in all of these sales situations when we learn the personality code of the person we are trying to reach. sell. . How do we do that? By using Cheri Tree’s BANK system which she describes in simple and practical detail in this book.

Rest assured, BANK is not a system to manipulate people into buying something they don’t want. It’s a system to help you learn how to connect with people who use the language you want to hear. As Cheri points out in the book, 66 percent of customers are put off by salesperson introductions. That’s because the salesperson isn’t speaking in a language the customer wants to hear or actually understands. As Cheri reveals, people have different personalities, so if you want to sell to someone, you need to understand that person’s personality type. BANK is an acronym for the four personality types, and since there are four, if you don’t know the person’s personality type, you only have a 1 in 4 chance of making the right sales pitch.

However, as research indicates, 82 percent of people want to buy from their matching personality type. That means if the salesperson doesn’t match his personality type, he’s likely to lose the sale. BANK helps the salesperson identify the customer’s personality type in less than ninety seconds so that he can transform the customer type and then have an excellent chance of closing the sale!

Explaining the four personality types here would be giving too much information; it is better that you read them in the book. In fact, you can take a quiz to determine your own personality type. I’ll just say that Cheri walks readers step by step through the mindset behind why BANK works better than any other sales program. She then goes into detail in her description of each of the four personality types so that she understands the types’ likes, dislikes, and idiosyncrasies and she can tailor her sales presentation and all communications accordingly. Once she does this, her prospects will be more receptive to her message and your sales and relationships will improve.

Yes, BANK really works! In fact, Cheri is living proof of that. She is very honest throughout the book about the struggles she went through in sales before discovering this system. She states:

“I started at the bottom…way down! My dream of being a successful entrepreneur came crashing down when I realized I sucked at sales. I was so terrible that my entire first year in sales as a commission-only financier” . adviser, I only made $700! I was the worst salesman on the team!”

Cheri goes on to describe how she spent years trying to figure out what she was doing wrong until she discovered the BANK system. Then, he tells us, “Using the code BANK, I took my income in a single year from $72,000 to over $500,000, an increase of 695 percent. In three years, my annual income was over $1 million, and the rest They say it’s history.”

But the BANK is much more than just selling and making money. It’s not that money isn’t important; money, as Cheri points out, brings happiness because it makes people’s lives easier; it allows them to fulfill their dreams, have security and take care of their loved ones. But more importantly, BANK can help us improve our relationships with everyone, from our loved ones to our customers and strangers. Cheri states:

“Do you want to know what Cheri Tree is really about? I mean changing lives. I don’t care about money at all, but I know that helping you earn more money can change your life. Money can help you achieve your goals.” real dreams. Sure, people have told me, ‘Money doesn’t make you happy.’ But when they say that, I usually reply, ‘Well, I recommend you try to make at least a million dollars in a year and then re-evaluate that saying!’ That’s another silly myth, right? Money can definitely buy you a lot of happiness, but money isn’t everything.”

Most of Why They Buy is devoted to the power of the BANK to help people in sales, but Cheri also provides examples of how learning each other’s BANK codes has helped family members learn to communicate better; she has even helped people connect with people who are suicidal to save their lives. In fact, she could bring world peace as world leaders learn to communicate with each other using this system. That dream of world peace isn’t even that far-fetched considering that Cheri Tree has already introduced BANK to thousands of people and has made its way into more than forty countries. With that kind of track record of success, and growing, I can guarantee it’s a system worth looking into.

Rarely do I get as excited reading a book as when reading Why They Buy. He has made me understand myself better: I am a K with B as my second personality code. It has also made me better understand some of my loved ones with whom I have difficulty communicating. It is a practical and easy to use system that can definitely make a difference in your sales and in your life. Test it. You have nothing to lose and much to win.

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