Mobile homes are often considered an economically effective housing solution. What is often not considered is the enormous amount of fumes released from the mobile home itself and from products used in mobile homes that can send harmful chemicals into the air. This quickly becomes an unsanitary situation due to the initially tight seals and lack of ventilation. Here are 5 ways to reduce the chemicals that mobile homes put out of gas; and reducing these chemicals will help keep you and your family healthy.

Avoid carpets if possible

New carpet is famous for the “new carpet smell.” That smell is often the off-gassing of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde. Without proper ventilation, you and your family are exposed to formaldehyde vapors that can cause burning eyes and nose, sore throat, headache, dizziness, and nausea, and frequent exposure to levels of Higher-than-normal formaldehyde causes serious long-term health problems.

Old carpets are a haven for numerous contaminants, such as dust mites, pet dander, and small particles of dirt and/or grit, all of which are difficult to remove with a normal vacuum cleaner and become airborne with normal daily activity. . These microscopic contaminants can greatly aggravate existing problems such as allergies and asthma, and can cause symptoms that make you miserable, such as sneezing, watery eyes, and cold-like congestion.


Use a fan to move air through your home and, weather permitting, open windows to help expel gases from your home. It is important to change the air rather than just recirculate it.

Keep temperature and humidity stable

Many of the harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde, are affected by increased humidity and temperature. Keeping the humidity and temperature low will decrease the amount of formaldehyde that will off-gas into the air.

Allow products to be downloaded elsewhere

If you plan to purchase items such as new carpeting or carpets known to contain solvents, adhesives, exposed particle board, request that they be opened and allowed to sit in the bin to release the gas before bringing them home.

Use an air purifier to remove chemicals

All houses continue to settle after they are built. As mobile homes settle, the seals come loose and chemicals and materials that were previously sealed are now broken open and can evaporate into the air. Using an air purifier specifically designed to remove chemicals from the air, such as formaldehyde, will help ensure that the indoor air you and your family breathe is as healthy as possible.

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