At sleepovers, college parties, and birthdays, Truth or Dare remains the most popular game ever. The only problem is that people run out of ideas for good challenges pretty quickly. Check out this list of challenges for the next time you play Truth or Dare!

1. Tie up the wrists and legs for 5 minutes

This challenge is especially wicked. if other challenges have to be completed with your hands tied afterwards. You can even team up different players for added fun.

2. Go out and feed at least one neighborhood cat.

3. Stick a coin against the wall with your nose for 3 min.

This challenge is much more difficult than it seems. Especially if your friends make you laugh in the meantime.

4. Act like you’re crying and describe your worst date.

Be creative and make a good drama. Let others have fun with your little scene!

5. Act like a dog and go outside for 5 min.

Wag its tail, raise its legs, bark… Your dog names it, you do!

6. Ask the prettiest person at the party for a kiss

This is a very sweet challenge. Whoever you ask will get this not-so-subtle compliment. But it’s still cute. Go get that kiss!

7. Get out the next time you have to go to the bathroom.

This one is easy for guys to do.

8. Imitate an animal and have everyone guess what it is.

You will be surprised how bad the other players are at hearing your elephant that sounds like a dying frog-giraffe…!

9. Stand in a corner for 5 minutes while others watch.

Especially effective if you have been handcuffed to someone/something, naked or soaked. Or if you are ticklish and others may make fun of you while you are stuck unable to defend yourself!

10. Lick the ketchup off the back of a person of your choice

Easy, sexy or horrible challenge. Depending on the back of the person you are licking!

11. Sings a very romantic song in a hard, dry voice.

Have the girls do this challenge. It will be fun for everyone!

12. Drink a mixture of 1/3 sugar, 1/3 salt, and 1/3 coffee.

You can mix all kinds of drinks. Make sure you are the right age for the drink you are drinking.

13. Imitate a cartoon character and have everyone guess

14. Pretend to be a clock and show the time with your legs

And show everyone how flexible you are (or not).

15. Put a pillow under your shirt and pretend to have labor pains.

You’ll have some sarcasm fun with this one! Be sure to check with your neighbors before making too much noise. You can pretend the pillow is your baby after it is born.

16. Think of your favorite bad word and shout it out loud.

17. You have to ask out the next person that walks into the room.

Or you can go up to him or her and try to kiss him. Don’t get slapped!

18. Trade a piece of clothing with your suitable neighbor.

Have a girl and a boy who are very different sizes do it for added fun.

19. Having a pointless conversation with a stranger for a minute.

The key is to keep the conversation going for a full minute. This will seem longer than you think. If you fail, start over.

20. Ask someone to pour a glass of cold water down your pants.

21. Have the group mix different sauces. You have to eat it.

That’s it – I hope you can put those challenges to good use for Truth or Dare. Don’t go crazy with it. Truth or Dare parties are all about having fun, not so much about making someone feel guilty or upset.

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