Here are some facts about Jamaica that you may find interesting. The main language spoken on this, the third largest island in the Caribbean, is English, but patois is also spoken and the island’s capital is Kingston. There are now more than 2,000,000 residents on the island and the main areas, other than Kingston, where they reside are Montego Bay, Negril, Port Antonio, Ocho Rios and Mandeville.

Many of these places are also where most tourists will travel to when vacationing on the island. In fact, it is tourism that plays an important role in the economy of the islands. The island has a head of state known as the Governor General and this position is appointed by the monarch of England, this is because it is part of the British Commonwealth. But even so, it is still an independent nation and it became independent from the British in 1962. Since then, the island has had a prime minister and he is elected by the people of the island and he will be the leader of the party that has the most seats in their House of Representatives.

The Jamaican flag consists of three colors, black, green and gold, and symbolizes different things that have to do with the history of the islands. The black represents the difficulties that the islanders have had to overcome, the gold is related to the natural wealth of the island and, of course, its sunlight. While green symbolizes hope and also the agricultural resources that the island has to offer.

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