Just when you thought men monopolized the cheating game, women entered the scene. Although it is not something common, the girls are also playing. There have been reports that women have been cheating on their boyfriends across the country. The number of cheating girlfriends or wives is growing rapidly. So how would you know if your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you?

1. Don’t let it delay

If you have the feeling that your wife is cheating on you, you better take the first step. Do some research and observe her daily activities. What changes are there and what other things have you noticed that are different about her lately? Gather enough evidence before confronting it.

2. Stop. look. Hear

Have you met someone new in your life lately? Has she been out all night longer than usual? Does he spend more time with friends than with you? If your wife has been dressing up a lot lately and beautifying herself like crazy, she is probably trying to impress someone. Has she clung to her phone more than ever? Better investigate.

3. Pay attention to the signs

Start with your phone. If you’re texting him as often as you used to, that’s probably not a good sign. Take note if you start receiving secret phone calls, such as leaving the room just to talk and using your bedroom voice to converse. And of course, if she does eventually get protective of her cell phone, that’s when you draw the line.

4. Projection

Women have a tendency to deny their infidelity. So what happens is that she projects herself onto her partner. She points out the guy’s flaws and mistakes and makes him into big trouble, when all the time she’s the biggest trouble available.

5. Less affectionate

If she doesn’t show it, it’s probably not there anymore. Saying I love you and her not giving it back is a big smack in the face that things are over between the two of you. As painful as it is, you better go ahead and quit as soon as possible. This is a clear sign that you have a cheating girlfriend.

6. She becomes more adventurous

In this day of age, people have been exploring a lot, including in sex. Ladies now don’t just submit in bed. The media has largely opened the doors to the possibility of same-sex relationships and playing with foreplay toys. Women tend to be vulnerable and try new things and this is where infidelity can kick in.

7. If all else fails, confront

Although it sounds hurtful, it is the only way to put the cards on the table. Stop wasting time playing with someone who doesn’t like you. Finish it off by asking her what she wants and if she wants it, give it up. This can have a big effect on their lives, but it’s now or never.

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