A proper canine obedience training program is the foundation of good dog behavior. It has often been said that there are no bad dogs, only uneducated owners. Many canines want to please their owners, but untrained dogs just won’t know how to do it. A well-trained dog is happier and healthier, just like its owners. Below are some guidelines for implementing a dog obedience training program on your own.

Getting Started in Dog Obedience Training

Effective dog obedience training doesn’t require a lot of supplies, but there are some basic pieces of equipment that should make the process easier. First, choose a dog collar that is suitable and comfortable for your dog. Then decide on the best strap for training. Get the best gear for your dog and learn how to use it correctly. Before you begin dog grooming training, choose the best method for you and your dog. Training techniques vary widely, although most trainers agree that canines respond best to positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise. A common training variation, called clicker training, includes the use of a conditioned reinforcer. When planning your training methods, don’t forget about socialization.

dog obedience training sessions

Success is mostly achieved in small steps. Training sessions with your dog should only last 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. This is especially true for puppies, as they have very short attention spans. Long sessions can make even adult dogs bored. Start by teaching basic commands. The sit command is usually one of the easiest commands for your dog to learn. Next, train your dog to lie down and then teach him how to stay still. Also, teach your dog to come to you when called as soon as possible. This is one of the most important foundational commandments. From here you can start moving on to more advanced commands and fun tricks.

Some people choose to leave the training to the experts. A professional dog trainer can come to your home and train your pet for a fee. You may also want to send your dog to dog training school for a period of time. There are also dog owners who prefer to join a local dog obedience class to be under the supervision of a professional dog trainer without leaving their pets with someone else. Keep in mind that your dog is more likely to see you as a teacher when he is directly involved in the training process. Plus, this is a great way to reinforce the dog-human bond.

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